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656 points
15 Comment(s)
6 Upvote(s)
ChryldHood - 2 months ago
Dropping this.
Dude uses his barrier ability half-heartedly ; has 3 artifacts his former family died for he doesn't give a f#### ; looked like a monster and literally Zeus his way through a fight between beasts by going "easy" yet look at that farce.
Do we even talk about last chapters ? The fight against the illusionist bunny , tf was that ? Dude can create an area where he detects everything, can do anything basically his domain... yet "let's put a scent on him that will summon insects from the forest, thus eating flesh and bones from his whole leg"..

ChryldHood - 2 months ago
The way she behaved after he punched the wolf immediatly shows what kind of manga this is.
"I've never seen a human punch a monster and send it flying".. "I wonder how you did that" + the face she makes and probably the way she says it.. we were told she was an expert rank s adventurer magician but she's this stupid ? At least show some concern, stay quiet and observe..

I'm guessing the rest of the story is shallow with a pattern going like this : find new "companion", have fun, eat, happiness, a problem arise (oh no she fell in the water), resolve the problem, happiness..
If it's different please tell me it may push me to keep reading.

ChryldHood GeckoGecko - 3 months ago
We don't have info about the situation human/demon when Satan was still alive.. maybe if hero replaces him, peace might come back? idk..
ChryldHood - 3 months ago
Is he pretty for them because, they wear costume animals, hence he's wearing a big costume from their perspecitve?
ChryldHood - 3 months ago
Nice use of alchemy to make top notch sharpness.. oh wait no because its this kind of manga where mc has 800 skills but only uses 5 of them :(
ChryldHood Kozai - 3 months ago
I'd say she's closer to petite than loli.

ChryldHood - 3 months ago
After reading 34 chapters (WORST CLIFFHANGER T_T):

It is exactly "Otome-Game Is Tough for Mob" 's game story.
MC wants to save vilainess (who's in fact kind). MC already played the game and knows secrets and stuff.

Is it a bad thing?
NO !
You have a great story and a good baxkground despite the core of the story being the exact same.

We have:
-Uncensored tits that arent' all over the place
-A mc with balls (in term of relationship)
-Plot armor ? Where ? (Rape, villagers casually skewering bandits' heads on their front gate..)
ChryldHood Chuunico - 4 months ago
Isekai novel? Can't wait to see !
ChryldHood - 7 months ago
Sad since the story in itself could have been interesting.

After reading 30 chapters I can say this: It looks like you took parts of good manga, stick them together with tape & glue and voila. Oh and "Oopsie, it fell on the ground".

MC isn't dumb. I've seen manga with dumb characters but they still had some wits and the story was well made so there were no problem.
Here however:
First chapters --> Mc a bit slow in the head but powerful to the point it can conquer the world by itself but also tame and evolve monsters PLUS increase his own power by leveling up again.
Later (~8 chapters later) --> GneuGNaaa I'm An OiStEr

Sorry for me even if I had a lot of free time I wouldn't read it. I'd prefer Death March for an order of comparison.

Why the fuc doesn't the biggest power on the continent have any access to the sea ? Like here is another problem among a *SeA* of others.
I'll guess tall elf and cute art making it look like shota.
ChryldHood - 10 months ago
By far my favourite erotica manga.
I recommend reading it if you just want to chill otherwise leave and don't complain about it being a hentai with a very good plot.

-The art is top notch;
-It is slow paced (don't come crying if you prefer naruto/one piece kind of stuff). Which means you have a lot of slice of life content;
-The world is really well built and I especially fancy the way the MC is put above the rest of the population (the way he is OP). It's not due to him being able to erase a dragon with the flick of a finger but instead because he has plenty of little bonuses and the ability to bend certain rules of the world. It lets us enjoy a lovey dovey story mixed with combat inside of dungeons where death awaits.
Death in this manga isn't omnipresent however it is part of another great quality of this manga: it feels like a real world, with just the addition of some rules such as jobs and magic. Yes someone has a skill, but he simply runs faster. You don't have fights between people able to destroy cities, i'd say it's quite balanced and lets your mind be at ease.

I don't know if I was clear with what I feel about this manga, but after reading some people spit on it I couldn't help but write. It's a genre on its own, some might not like it. However the writting and art are way too good and you'd be stupid to say the opposite.
I know people like this manga,but I also know that a lot of illiterates that doesn't know the difference between objectivity and their trashtaste speak freely.

Up to chapter 60 it's very decent. I don't know after, didn't read yet (waiting for the uncensored chapters). I agree with the fact that adding more girls could bring chaos to what I fancy about this manga however I think it can be well handled.

So up to chap 60 it'll be a 10/10 for me.
Again it has its own genre. If I give 10/10 to mushoku tensei, both wouldn't be equal if I had to rank them.

ChryldHood Kim Dokja - 1 year ago
"Tsubasa... take off your clothes"
ChryldHood - 1 year ago
Shouldn't her hair fall due to years of compression under the belt?