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Lexi Blue
639 points
31 Comment(s)
7 Upvote(s)
Lexi Blue - 1717309763
glad ppl got over the moral bull crap they was spouting about the tag match before ( so retarded even with every excuse in the book thrown at it ) if they would have won he was gonna screw mary because its litterally not an option he has 2 then toss her tto a gaggle to be passed like meat ... and rin was gonna watch it go down and screw him after ....miss me with that mess... rin was better off with mikugami the guy she pined for regularly made prostitute deposits and was willing to full on pass another woman around at least with mikugami its a harem but they all get the same respect and no other man is screwing them for giggleslike their womb is a dishrag ... maybe its because im not a guy that i see it this way but a harem is 1000% better then being a party favor in my view
Lexi Blue - 1717297282
sensational chapt 20 ... it was funny on an ultimate level
Lexi Blue - 1717101341
this 1 was pretty good actually
Lexi Blue - 1717061196
yup im 100% addicted... i hope the cops sister is already 1 of his and brings the 1 girl back to him that wiuld be an ultimate twist
Lexi Blue - 1716946157
i actually liked this 1 alot i cant wait to see what comes of it ... his inner struggle was also refreshing and the monster thing is an interesting sub plot ...
- what i hope for the series? : i hope he gets the girls showing interest in the party he linked up with eventually gets an estate pickes up his 1st and keeps her as well ... hopefully fingers crossed
Lexi Blue - 1716926748
yeah im totally not intrested in a fat guy .... threw up in my mouth alil with this 1 ... -_-
Lexi Blue - 1716925512
this one has me a bit on the hmmm side ... i like the set up its a super funny story and the progression is totally unpredictable i love that aspect its alil short on the interaction length ( blink and you will miss it almost ) but that said the mc is based and the girls hes gotten so far are awesome ( full disclosure i my fav is the princess ) but yeah i mean lits suprised me i would like it if he was more masulin tho i mean i get it but its like he gets more and more girly and thats a bit ... blehh ... that aside i cant wait to see it he gets more girls and actually lands cecily -thats overdue- i hope things go ok when the princess shows up ...
Lexi Blue - 1716925007
well i for 1 liked this one very much the character has an ability that is op but in a different way the world dynamics are far different then this one oboth culturally and practically that helps with the escapeism . the story goal is interesting and alot deeper then surface issues the 2 concepts of magic and tech interactions as in positives and negetives is refreshing to see not just tech almighty or magic almighty , it has good comedy in reaction terms and the harem aspect is tame in comparrison to most ( personally i wanted him to get the red ogre girl i think that dynamic with the rest of them would be fun especially when it comes to feature sizes - comedy gold - the adult situations are a bit brief given the situation i would lengthen those if it were up to me but aside from that it leaves open a good length to grow like once the kingdom freed rebuilding then setting up trade he could even build a trade capital in the waselands and the next big bad could be other invading contries over seas or even awakening old monsters or capping it with a slice of life turn with a whole series showing him having a family goin though each wifes pregnancy and all that . lots of potential in this 1.
Lexi Blue - 1716924179
i liked it . i mean unlike alot of anime/manga that either offscreen or skip situations that simply make sense in the story context ... this one shows everything and honestly thats refreshing the manga isnt holding the readers hand or patronizing as if adult interactions are somehow gross ( even though its litterally how any of us exist at all ) so given the set up and the story progression it makes sense without leaning on one aspect any more then another ... had a twists and the plot is super interesting i cant wait to see the dynamic as it goes forward especially since zayd is no longer the big bad but just a means to be collected im guessing he will gain lots of insight and info getting that 1... i wonder what she fights like