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Lexi Blue
639 points
31 Comment(s)
7 Upvote(s)
Lexi Blue - 1726548127
i hope they lean into just how powerfull his inventory skill is ... since its not just storage its mat storage and prosessing he could litterally put a person in there and have them in instant pieces
Lexi Blue - 1725774588
re reading the whole thing to stay refreshed i realized a few things from the female characters in this : in case anyone was cuckish enough to frrl bad for them ... dont.
- the 1st one: took joy in being a bulley litterally arguing with herself and realizing she liked harming the protag from the start.
- the second: ( the cop ) was the closest to innocent but in terms of her own issues she could care less about the guy she had her work was more important = its just a case of getting what she put out in priority terms.( i count the sister to the cop in this as well because shes basically a side character with a female butchish non moral compass type that much is plain from her available info ) to both of these its might makes right and the protag is just mightyier.
- the third : was a straight up liar instead of saying no she led the protag on then immediatly tried to hop on her so called best friends dick all in the name of claiming a guy as her own the guy or the guys feelings have 0 value to her she just wants to be top and posess a guy.
-the rest : the track team can be broken into 2 groups . the manegers group and the blackmailers group . the blackmailers group are a full on bulley group their leader even forced the gyru girl into prostitution and even handed black mail material to a guy to blackmail her into being a sex toy for him just for spite.
the manegers group is the group the creepy smile girl who asked the protag out and he said no so she tried breaking the protags relationship up and then when that diddnt work tried to get him arrested out of spite using the group she has as info gaterers and backup ...
say what you want but all the confined are incredibly evil ppl both alone and in a group.
ad this is a deflection dont change the subject
nobody said you could have a bias but admit a bias when you have one
passing that mess off as if it is actual fact thats how ppl get made to look the way you do now on a subject now your even throring pitty and mental minipulation over planned rape and your whole stance was that the OTHER one was cereberal
... hearly as soon as the last 3 were done with the demon suggested the sister they even showed what she does outside of shool already ... dont come at me with its a spoiler when the info is old as hell litterally havent been doing the same for the current subject manga talking about all the way up to current release
dark direction is litterally not the same and to add you said you liked the dark direction so im to understand - grabbing a group and having them turn against eachother ( nosexual assaults ) is bad but kidnapping a innocent girl for the crime of being related to someone you dont like to screw and brainwash is ... just a direction change ... are you freaking serious
you said you read all the chapters its not a spoiler if its common knowledge litterally 4-5 chapter old info
and the goal was to turn everyone else aginst thoe responsible and no there wasnt only 3 minus the victim 4 are currently punishing the rest with their cohowarts still as pigs . you wasnt paying attention
and no current evil is excused becayse they diddnt jknow about the past evil nothing stopped them from surrounding her this time reguardless of what the other 1 did in the other school they are doing it to her now all you are doig is tryng to justify them being accomplices to it .
if you stand there and watch pulling backup for an abusor you ARE an abusor
and it has EVERYTHING to do with gender you havent said word 1 about how your fav protag in NTR is going after the rapist dude ... by screwing and abducting that guys younger sister and she litterally has nothing to do with it and doesnt even know what type of person her brother is but thats fine by you because its to get at a guy ... miss me with that different standard crap
shows just how munh you were paying attention
- 1 girl knew her from her previous school and forced her into prostitution
- the rest are litterally the current group after the gyru girl on the 1st ones orders
- you litterally see him save her from getting stripped and pictures taken of her while surrounded their are no innocents dont act like because vagina they are incapeable of evil
Lexi Blue Shulyyyyyy - 1724225752
girl leads you on tells you to wait goes to screw your friend regularly litterally catch them and she doesnt get off the dick just sits their taking it with moans inbetween tryng to eak out an excuse and you think ... ONLY the guy is at fault are just an NTR waiting to happen with that mindset lmao ... see a doctor get you some testosterone supplements once your levels are normal ... reply to your own old post ... thinking we can do no wrong is the 1st and biggest issue with guys today ... you arent the only one with that problem so im not picking on you over it im saying that yall treat us like were glass morons with no responsibilty and its the opposite of attractive it has to change
an accurate assesment i bow to your observational ability
the girls in this one were a team beating on 1 girl for no other reason then spite another one forced via blackmail to make her a prostitute and you felt sorry for them ? if a guy did the exact same thig would you pitty him ?
sounds sexist to me to treat 1 different then the other . the ones that forced that girl into prostitution are no different then the rapist in NTR
- what the hell is it with guys these days they act as if were all helpless weak innocent things to pitty even when were dipicted as vile as any guy can be they pitty us its gross as hell and super infuriating ...
being kind to girls doesnt mean - ignore all the evil we can do you are only allowed pitty
Lexi Blue Shulyyyyyy - 1724224306
the excuses if fear and everything else go out the window when they had already finished everything and where did she go ?
to naotos room to paitently wait for her turn on his dick.
- when something is an excuse it is incredibly easy to see through and pointing it out makes it show how weak an excuse is
lastly - it is rediculasly patronizing to not point out we OWN our own choices as if we are so weak insignifigand and healpless our mistakes cant even be owned by us . take a few mins and think how patronizing it is to look for an excuse for us 1st rather then an answer
Lexi Blue - 1724115851
i have to disagree NTR art style is more defined sure but the story is overly complicated moments are drawn out to whole issues making it both irratic and slow. the sub plot infighting feels forced and anoying the general lack of discourse he has with the turned girls is lacking ( example he got all 3 girls and nobody told him about their rapist buddy not even in passing commet or a hint even while going after him ) then theres the way the protag acts way too similar to a light yagami wannbe but it comes off as a guy with a gift thats 2 dumb to realize the full extent unlike light ... NTR is in no way superior to this that leans directly into its fantasy roots while it draggs in some parts the resolution to it is quickly addressed then a new question is added.
i have to disagree NTR art style is more defined sure but the story is overly complicated moments are drawn out to whole issues making it both irratic and slow. the sub plot infighting feels forced and anoying the general lack of discourse he has with the turned girls is lacking ( example he got all 3 girls and nobody told him about their rapist buddy not even in passing commet or a hint even while going after him ) then theres the way the protag acts way too similar to a light yagami wannbe but it comes off as a guy with a gift thats 2 dumb to realize the full extent unlike light ... NTR is in no way superior to this that leans directly into its fantasy roots while it draggs in some parts the resolution to it is quickly addressed then a new question is added.
Lexi Blue - 1724107165
NGL this one pisses me off a bit its too slow the story is overly complicated to a single point its like 5 mins is a whole issue and it is hard to get through... theirs no catharsis or build up to the protags anger and the subplot infighting is annoying as hell like goddamnit girls set it together already you all have reason to work together and still ... pluse all this went down and none of them told him what that rapeist asshat is up to ... the writer needs to lace it up a bit if he wants it to be interesting im quitting this one .
Lexi Blue - 1717882878
okay from mine a womans perspective on the 1st half up to wish :
This pissed me the hell off that freaking liar saying she loves kenji 2 feet away hopping on his best friends cock is a load of absolute bullshit . litterally EVERYONE should be pissed at her for the outcome you should have 0 pitty for her.
- if a guy thretens you to offer your body the answer is always no ( i dont want to hear that absolute cuck nonsense to excuse it if she loved him at all even a little bit then the thought of screwing someone else should make her physically sick ) i would know i was assaulted once so thats not an opinion it fact.
- the fact she kept going back to naoto even after kenji giving 3 speeches on not caring shes a demon she STILL went to go screw naoto and waited her turn watching him so dont come at me with pitty she pissed me off to no end .

Lexi Blue - 1717642929
freaking great it hurts its so funny i love the mc ( you dont wat to?.... i have no problem at all! ) fraking absolute gold!
Lexi Blue Keo - 1717563020
no he was registered as master to the shibi but slave to the lil girl because the lil one wasnt a fighter . it wasnt 2 on 2 slave it was master slave but 1 side has a non combatant slave making him the stand in ... i explained it 2 ways hope that helped