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Nyanko sensei
1500 points
420 Comment(s)
862 Upvote(s)
Nyanko sensei - 6 months ago
It's great how well the mc handled that one. The final arc is here guys, they will get what they deserve now.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
We have finally crossed the 50's guys, it feels like it was just yesterday that we were still on the 20's and now this ( sob sob). Anyways, komugi chan rocks.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
Well she looks pretty calm for something that is hard to fight, looks like we need our man kikuru CHADan to use the power of boobs and defeat her.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
Rising a child is super tough, especially when you have adopted one. The reason for this is that you have no idea how they may feel because you yourself have been raised differently and in different times, therefore you can't use the same approach your parents did. But what you can do is help your child not experience those bad feelings or moments that might have occured due to your parents misjudgement. And that's exactly what this couple is doing.

A great chapter and a heavy hitting manga for sure!!!.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
Ain't no way she did him dirty like dat, maybe forecasting of what's to come. Ahh my heart aches for him.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
I'm like wtf is that really an extra, lol. This series is on par with vinland saga in terms of gore. Definitely this will get an anime someday.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
I'm glad they touched on this issue, I thought he would have the same attitude till the end and no decisive outcome on the romance aspect of the series. It's late but I will take it, also the unlimited fan service shall never stop.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
Tbh, I now feel disconnected with this series. Earlier there were always aim that the Mc had in mind related to the main plot but now it all feels spontaneous and filler like. I think it went from 100 to 0 in terms of build up so now waiting for the build up again, I reckon the next few chapter would be slow afc.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
Don't underestimate ma boi, he will even fuk you if he has to. Anything for nezumi.
Well the scary part is that she was completely fine before the baby was born so you would have no idea she was this messed up unless you married her for real. That's why sorry mate but you won't escape on that first date :).
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
Wtf, how can this get a live adaptation? We still don't know if the fmc will cheat or not.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
Lol, that reminds me of the time when I used to invite ma friends in the name of school project and play PlayStation all day long with them.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
I thought the author went mad with all these daily releases lol, finally someone taught some sense into him.
Nyanko sensei - 7 months ago
You had to go dark when I was expecting some romance, breh.
Nah, bro nothing can come first or second. Let's be honest here, her husband is a piece of shit for cheating now in a real case scenario her husband would have already left her and she would have nothing else except for the work that you think she should have abandoned. In the end a person should always be self reliant because we come in this world alone and go alone, therefore nothing can be said to be more important.
Nyanko sensei Alex-Mercer - 7 months ago
Fk, now that sounds like a game and makes sense.
Nyanko sensei KingKillion - 7 months ago
I mean cmon man just assassinate him and nobody's gonna know shit and I am pretty sure he will save the world anyhow cuz he's the strongest. For the plot is the convenient thing that author can pull it from anywhere, it's been shit since he's working for the antagonist.