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264 Comment(s)
1118 Upvote(s)
Bubonikz - 1699445461
So clumsy foolish boy could be an evil mastermind ?
Bubonikz - 1699443328
So cool to see him going wild
Bubonikz - 1699206591
Generally in romance manga this is the moment where misunderstanding are set, but i think (and hope) it won't be the case here.Things have been set, for Chinatsu to assume it, and it would feel forced if she still keep it a secret.
Concerning the hesitation of manager taking the picture with Taiki-friend (sry for the names), are we seeing the ship still remaining active ? I feared it has sinked !
Bubonikz - 1699206026
In what is probably some of the last chapters, this manga is raising some fire, with characters being killed and some twist, but it's sadly too late.I'm gonna finish this arc that i hope is the last and moove on. It hooked me good at first :(
Bubonikz PrimeZurker - 1699175821
My good lord, i thank you with all my heart for all those perfect informations.May you be blessed in love tonight
Bubonikz - 1699166319
There is something i'm missing (by bad memory probably).Ignet is the one who defeated Ilya brother. Can't remember if she killed him or just make him fall in despair.Ilya seems to hold grudge against Ignet for this, grudge which is slowly disappearing the more they tag along.
Why Ilya father doesn't seem to hold this grudge ? Because he's a paladin too ? If so why didn't he clarify things to Ilya about Ignet before ?Hoping to get answer in the next chapters.
(It could probably because of the secrecy of the Paladins, but letting your daughter burn with revenge while you want to watch her more closely than your son after an incident...)
Bubonikz - 1699127260
What an exquisite coincidence
Bubonikz - 1699084675
This manhwa is about to wipe out the entire foot fetish community.Like Disney Rapunzel did back in the time haha
Bubonikz - 1699084560
Nice cat bro
Bubonikz - 1699084513
MC establishing domination
Bubonikz - 1699084441
Like Rorschach said in Watchmen"I'm not locked in here with you, YOU're locked in here with ME !"
Bubonikz - 1699084336
Didn't thought at first that she will remain so long in the past.Interesting plot incoming.
Bubonikz - 1699084249
Ah yeah the story.The story that is going like intended.I totally see.
There is not a lot of studies who goes this way, but, it's an idea that's becoming more and more valid that excessive masturbation WITH excessive porn addiction, results in erectile disfonction, mostly because it's disconnecting you from the reality.
I won't say it's false, i'm totally agreeing with you, but like i said, i'm not telling everyone to fall in addiction to porn. I just said that ejaculation (Not necessarilly by masturbation) can reduce colon/prostate cancer. You can do it in many ways without falling in addiction. Stay healthy !
Bubonikz Marshal_Anon - 1699028177
Excuse me but why are you downvoting my comment and starting a laius about porn addiction ?
Did i mention becoming a porn addict ? Did i say you need to ejaculate everyday, every hour ?

Studies shows that frequent ejaculation decrease risk of colon cancer. It's a simple fact.
Ejaculation didn't mean forcing yourself in front of a porn video, you can ejaculate by making love with your lover, with a partner, with a one-night stand, or maybe with a porn video if you feel like it. But it remains to you to do it for the good reason, not for the bad one like addiction.
It's not because you do it sometimes that you will suddenly become addicted. Maybe great empires fell because of stupid rulers but there is a lot of everyday people who have sex and live normal life (Did you know that you're probably the result of your parents having sex ?)

NNN is supposed to help raise awareness around prostate cancer, but is a stupid idea, you don't have to restrain yourself from it.
If people wants to raise prostate cancer awareness, they should try Movember. Movember is a concept about shaving yourself except for the moustache, growing one during a month. People may ask you why suddenly growing it, and you can tell them about prostate cancer (Like... Pink October).
The whole idea is just to sensibilize people.
So... you suddenly becoming salty with porn addiction and putting urges in check is just... strange ? Maybe "putting urges in check" is your way of doing NNN, but excuse me, during all those years i saw this challenge, it's the first time i'm hearing it.
NNN is an heresy, studies have shown that regular ejaculation(regardless of how you achieve it, by masturbation or by making love with your partner) may reduce risks of colon cancer, so holding a month isn't a good idea.If you want to sensibilize other, look to Movember, a movement prior to NNN, which is trying to raise awareness around prostate cancer.
Bubonikz - 1698994324
I need to know how he tamed the dragonfly ffs !Damn you Cliffuhangeru-kun
Bubonikz - 1698933896
Somehow, humor came back
Bubonikz - 1698905904
Wahou i wasn't ready for this

Seriously speaking this is really one of my favorite romance manga. A lot of them are set in a lot of different places, full of characters, triangle love and lack interesting stories or development, while here is just 2 people smoking behind an alley, yet, the feelings, the bonds, the way they behave is really fabulous.