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907 points
141 Comment(s)
34 Upvote(s)
Caerulean - 1710537993
Watch the demon king be added to the harem once the afore mentioned demons arrive.
Caerulean Veemo Nation - 1710532850
Well, it was explained that their healing ability is pretty crap, so he could reasonably have assumed it was a lost cause. It might even be considered blasphemous to ask a priest to save a bird. It hasn't shown up here, but religious folks in reality and fiction overwhelmingly tend towards human supremacy, so to use their powers on an animal may be considered problematic.
Caerulean - 1710530827
I hope MC can use the shop and other benefits of her golden finger to get strong enough that she doesn't need to fear all the swords and daggers that she's currently afraid of, but the prologue doesn't give me much hope.
Caerulean - 1710528579
I never understand when barons and viscounts throw their weight around like they are untouchable. They always get smashed for their indiscriminate arrogance. You'd think they would learn to have some meekness or shrewdness to survive in high society. Idiot got what was coming to his whole family. It was only a matter of time before they fell into ruin with such terrible education and manners.
Caerulean - 1710527571
Golden eyes are in my top three favorite anime eye colors, but gold on gold doesn't work so well. His aesthetic has no contrast, he's like a plate of mashed potatoes with no gravy.
What good are these "prophesies"? They are just random nonsense to anyone but the MC. Do you think she can tell anyone about them? They can't be proven since they contain nothing prophetic. And since the information about their appearance is well known, she would instantly be accused of faking. These are just oracles that would probably get her killed if she spoke about them. Especially considering how blasphemous it would appear to others to call the gods bored.
Caerulean - 1710519444
Where does he keep getting money and points from? Is the author just going to handwave everything so they never have to do math? Might as well just say he has an infinite money glitch. I hate bad bookkeeping in fiction, super lazy.
Caerulean - 1710517970
This guy spent way too much time as a child imitating Lelouch. Super cringe. On the upside, having a dungeon disaster start with mass spawn and random distribution and then they wander into proper territories and form dungeons is a fresh take. This manga is still trash though.
Caerulean alligator - 1710517085
For some reason it's tagged as such, but the wn in novelupdates doesn't have the GB tag so I'd guess it's a mistake.

Ahh, he drinks a potion in ch 11
Caerulean - 1710459670
I love that she calls him otome-chi, like he's some kind of pure maiden.
Caerulean - 1710440169
If Urucan absorbed the god piece and panty absorbed Urucan...
Caerulean - 1710432360
Isn't panty, like, extremely vulnerable to aoe and ranged attacks? Everybody always runs up to him, but a 360 bombardment from a distance should be able to nuke him easily. I wish we could see his level and stats.
Caerulean - 1710431564
Well, I seem to be alone on this one, but I like our little sociopathic female antagonist. And I can't believe some of the comments. 1. She respawned, duh. 2. Her hair color changed back so something happened with her goddess of life class.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the net worth values are just the money spent in game on the character. A simple millionaire ($) can't actually afford to spend a whole lot of money on a game, their assets are usually pretty tied up.
Caerulean - 1710430070
I hate kidnapping arcs.
Caerulean - 1710380465
I love her reaction, no hesitation, "kill him", very satisfying.
Caerulean Dale Hammers - 1710378820
Sometimes it's not up to your will to keep a secret. Soul searching techniques and special drugs are a pretty common trope in these worlds. It's also generally regarded as taboo to reveal the existence of a system. Something bordering on a Pandora's box.