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1156 points
4 Comment(s)
2 Upvote(s)
Snow - 1716788817
It seems alright and all but at the same time it's a bit cringe still, the dialogue, the way of speaking; it feels like they aren't lizardmen but some random modern people in lizard skin. Even that math shit a while ago, then now "docile as a dog", and even their way of thinking, gratitude, etc., is learned. All these small references really break the immersion of world building as everyone already knows everything.

Welp, just my two cents. If you turn off your brain like most manhwas it's still an enjoyable read, just not for me, I guess.
Snow - 1707209914
Commend the author for making the next character likable. This series might actually be great after all even with all the different casts.