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Ah come on, every time i get excited about a chapter and then it ends with me being on the edge of my seat and forgetting what had happened last chapter
Damn I barely noticed the different of Upvote and Points system is like what ZE:VLR said (or TG's Game) maybe I will, be comfort myself with this lol... actually sorry but can you not report or ban me? because it will erase all my comments before... okay so that besides i don't want to overthink it but i want to tell more here, why shibe is the one with Yuuichi? because he lie and want Shibe to stop him (Shibe is Yuuichi's Friends afterall, Yuuichi ofc definitely knows about this like Yuka's or Taizen's ways before) but Shibe choose to not kill him because maybe he know if he kills him, it will make sound, and then make them wake up from sleep, and kill shibe, then they have no choice to kill each other. Shibe's weakness is woman so this is quite fair (because of this Yuuichi will do a bad trump card which is broke one of the TG rule to kill himself so they can win together (and let them choose who will receive the money and still win with dividing the money if the person they choose is really their friend) and also make himself to found out the truth who the one that has revenge on him... this bring us to 1 theory of the 2 ending. The ending and also the last game in which Yuka the boss challenge Shiho why? because in the Twisted Truth chapter the author keeps telling about Deja vu this, deja vu that, and this and that. now the story of all of the boys only love 1 girls from 2 of their friend and even the girl love her too like Yutori. (It's Yuka if you forgot) and with Shiho story from EVEN before the 1st game, now to connect the beginning with the ends. Yuka will be revealed as the boss, and She is a Genius (yeah we know that already you fanboy nerd of TG) She will manipulate and broke her, because shiho is her REAL child but because of university and her new foster-son and her new husbando (maybe before this because ayumi loves her, she used it to give the kids to him... or maybe is their real daughter idk) to make her a new real pupil or even a successor like Shinji (everything start ongoing loco like this manga and also even Yuuichi or Taizen is trapped in her hands too so why not make her own daughter the same? it will be more fun nonetheless) will Shiho knows it already and kill her own her mother for good? (Afton: I'm always come back) or will she do the deeds and completely broken even more than Yutori, and kill Yuuichi the ONLY person she loved? (besides her parents ofc, oh yeah this is also Yuka's plan to tell her the truths and lies to break her) actually hate to say this but shiho will choose to kill Yuuichi even though he's already reformed and it will lead us to 2nd ending The author wins because they sells the manga and get viral inside japan (They deserved all of the money cuz they have been put a lot of hardwork on this), and I will wins if I get a friend just like I planned (maybe they love reading too if they have reading my comment from 103 :skull:).
So It's a win-win situation for me and them, that's why the author will leave a last message/thanksful message and morality lesson to us from the alternative ending (with new manga/chapter ofc)
In this chapter, Shiho shoot/kill her own mother because she know what she's doing right now (KILLING is a Crime and also a Sins) because of that maybe she knows this before killing her but she rememberring the good time she has with Yuuichi and rememberred Yuuichi face from when they first met and she knows how it feels right now with her almost kills him and be broken...
Until the end she chooses to believe with her own eyes and hearts and also her most beloved (not Yuuichi GF tbh) friends
after that event, Shiho with Justice personality must face the sins she had commited to her own mother (Deja vu again... it's like Yuuichi's past you know) then Yuuichi knows about it even after Shiho hides the secret from her friends so yeah, Yuuichi also in jail with Shiho but in there is a really wholesome and romance they will be a couple in the prison spending time together where before it's difficult they must pretend to be normal and hide their problems from their friends (now it's different from MC perspective and the situation even the genre has CHANGED) like them we are also humans, we also can be broken if someone betray or used us and we don't know about that, we're gonna find that mf and have a revenge. OR we can be someone who forgive our friends (remember they also a human if they already say sorry fr and you believed and forgive) wait.... sounds lik another DJvu from the TG's before game, my point is like Shiho forgive Yuuichi she can still be happy with him and love him even though she wants to commiting her own sins alone and be alone for a long time in the start... now she has someone she loved in her side (Yuichi can also shut up but this is his own last TG's game)... even with 1 friend Shiho and Yuichi can accomplish anything together.
after get out of jail together, there's even a high risk and high reward in which all your friends will also forgive you or being the way they are before you came up to their life (Which is being normal) they can be happy together but they choosed not to forgive Yuuichi, it's fair.
Yuuichi and Shiho choose to spend their time together as a couple (wedding then have a kid) even with their sad past they have to and need to forget it for their kids and then they will feel the heaven (realizing how happy it is to live in this world and depressed at the same time even, but they have each other so...) HAPPY ENDING
PuckYou might have it easy. There's a certain city or area in a 3rd world country where murder and taking others belonging is a regular accourence. I should know, cause i live in those kind of country
jeremymdWho gets all jealous? Cause if you mean the FMC, that's cruel because she made the first move and hasn't stopped ever since the beginning. She doesn't deserve to be toyed with like that even unintentionally. Meanwhile, Torigue only makes her move when she realizes she's losing the MC.
jeremymdThey're furiously checking every single romcom trope in existence I think. Some incoming would be beach episode, aquarium, mall date, locked in a room, random guys hitting on her and MC stepping up, visiting girl's room, sick visit, love triangle, the "I won't lose" line, etc. I'd sell my left nut if they don't hit every single one of those I mentioned. I'm not even complaining. This is so generic it's kind of impressive.
ZombzoRa-en 1 year ago Do woman knows nothing but virgin insult like that's not even an insult. She's possibly a virgin too. Authors need to learn better insult
Tell me you are a virgin without telling me you are a virgin
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