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Why the heck would you have a relay in the winter to begin with, that's just crazy. Also while I get asahi's parents not feeling like they see their girl, I can't say I'm a fan of their's for what they've done, even if they indirectly help her
...Asahi's mom is still trash. Also, the fact that we all know Asahi's Olympics dreams won't come true is.... bittersweet. But hey, at least she gets true love.
Yuna's comment on the vision made me think, if all of them have experienced supernatural stuff with Uryu why have they not all sat down and talked about it. I am sure it will happen eventually especially since their mom seems to be a god or spirit of some kind.
It was kinda established that there is some kind of deity at the amagami shrine ( I think) that uryu's childhood friend asked of to make a future where uryu hadn't met the sisters, and there have been arcs devoted to these kinds shenanigans where uryu and the girl in question had to find the best path, seeing as how that diety hasn't been seen since the childhood friend arc, it's likely they have some of power from the shrine to see the future
minidaiyaThis feels weird, I started reading this many years ago, and I paused reading when chapter 132 came out. I decided to read the end finally to be done with it, and it’s the weirdest feeling to have nostalgia and be invested in characters you barely remember any specific details about. Anyways, the end doesn’t feel the best because of this, but it was still a great ride If the senses I have mean Imliked the story in the first place.
Communist Bugs BunnyThen something just snapped, something inside of me. I didn't care anymore! I didn't care about being better than Kakarot, I didn't care about being a super saiyan! I didn't care if I lived! I didn't care about anything! And then.. It happened.https://i.postimg.cc/QddgWNRn/i.jpg
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