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Well... She's kinda annoying to me. It doesn't matter if you just move in like 1 or 2 days ago.. You should being considerate to people who live beside you... I'm going to be really embarrassed if my neighbors sending me letter/sign like that.
it got better, but this is a challenge of mental endurance and fortitude against her fashion and make up, god please help this woman and my eyes while you're at it
well tbh, im actually not feeling sympathetic towards her AT ALL, i mean, i really don't see why she would not get the stares like nobody looks like that and she should know how models look like ahh idk. Also she's too rude to be just crumpling up the paper that her neighbor gave like seriously, you are causing inconvenience for someone cause you are loud, learn to be more polite and considerate towards others. Rather than feeling bad for her i just feel bad for the ml who seems to be the neighbor.
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R TuinOh no, he's about to destroy that pussy.....cat.
R TuinThat was so awesome! Yuki beat a mech with an oversized sword, that's the best kind of manga/anime ridiculousness.
It's too bad Anna has such a large guilt complex, feeling she needs to atone for sins she thinks she committed as a child and stuck in the past. Hopefully, spending time with Yuki will rehabilitate her and give her real hope for the future.
R TuinD'awwwwww, so much cuteness again. From the agents of the inspection bureau to the purified ent.
It's too bad Iona didn't kill anyone when she got out but everything worked out in the end. I feel that Scaram is still gonna suffer because he used an item from another dragon clan, Kaiser doesn't seem like the forgiving sort.
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