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  • K
    Man, Idol entertainment is just the most toxic thing in Japan 🤷 Just Vtube I guess just be careful leaking some stuff..
    • P
      Pradipta Surya PangestuKyōko
      2 years ago
      V tube can get pretty freaking toxic. Remember that one vtuber who got doxxed by her own agency after her agency not pay her , her share? Managers... Are assholes .
      • N
        Neostorm_XPradipta Surya Pangestu
        1 year ago
        Wactor is a disaster but not representative of most studios on average, imam surprised at how little dramas hololive has went through considering the time and size of the company.
        Take up8 or the other defunct agency like the games school club or the company with cybergirl siro
        • w
          waethrmanPradipta Surya PangestuV tube can get pretty freaking toxic. Remember that one vtuber who got doxxed by her own agency afte...
          2 years ago
          Please go on, idk this
          • P
            Pradipta Surya Pangestuwaethrman
            2 years ago
            I dont exactly remember the case but it was a thailand talent she works under japanese vtuber agency. Problem is the vtuber agency didnt pay her her share of supachat so she resorted to selling her manga under diff acct. The agency say thats its a breach of contract and doxxed her. It was horrible all around. And the agency is shady asf... So theres that... Its awful
            • (
              (^○^)Pradipta Surya Pangestu
              2 years ago
              Thats why you dont join in any shady agency
              • P
                Pradipta Surya Pangestu(^○^)
                2 years ago
                Well lets not be that judgemental... Its a young person tryna make their way. Whats illegal is still illegal sir... And its even more horrendous tryna trick people that cant fight back... Especially coz their on the other side of earth...
            • A
              Alex DinowaethrmanPlease go on, idk this
              2 years ago
              The agency that doxxed their own vtuber is WACTOR. I only heard about the recent one but a friend told be they've done it twice already.
            • E
              EnryuPradipta Surya PangestuV tube can get pretty freaking toxic. Remember that one vtuber who got doxxed by her own agency afte...
              2 years ago
              rushia shit too bro lmfao
              • P
                Pradipta Surya PangestuEnryu
                2 years ago
                Yeah but in her case its more of she panicked too hard and made some mistakes, breach of terms so its not exactly corporate toxicity but yeah... To a certain extent ye
                • H
                  Hai Domo~ Kizuna Ai desu!Enryurushia shit too bro lmfao
                  2 years ago
                  No lmao are you only browsing on twitter? Rushia done f'kd up big time badly enough to get terminated despite being the top earning vtuber plus the fact the CN branch was given the luxury of graduations, even our cute cat Fubuki didn't raise a huge fuss about it.

                  It wasn't just a one time thing kind of mistake "it has been apparent for some time". I won't even be surprised that she was leaking private info's about the other holomem.
                  • E
                    EnryuHai Domo~ Kizuna Ai desu!
                    2 years ago
                    thats crazy man
                    • H
                      Hai Domo~ Kizuna Ai desu!Enryu
                      2 years ago
                      but thats only a rumour which started when given how it feels like the JP holomems who were saying goodbye only as a formality rather than filled with sympathetic farewell and didn't say much about the termination, if it was a corporate toxicity they could still be liable if they couldn't give exact proof to any claims and reasons that they exterminated Rushia.
                  • N
                    Neostorm_XEnryurushia shit too bro lmfao
                    1 year ago
                    Rushia was entirely her own fault, aloe was a better example,

                    And hololive has only 1% of the controversies of rival companies like nijisanji and upd8
                • P
                  PhantomPlateKyōkoMan, Idol entertainment is just the most toxic thing in Japan 🤷 Just Vtube I guess just be careful ...
                  2 years ago
                  Both of them are really toxic. Your daily peaceful life can basically over just because a single mistake. The audience really have high regards on the idol so if they didn't meet the audience expectation, the audience might turn around and even threat you. There are case of stalker too to add the problem list.
                  • C
                    Cheesy DalePhantomPlate
                    2 years ago
                    The audience may be at fault for overreacting, but it's the agency who chose that kind of audience, they cash in on lonely people by forming parasocial relationship with them
                    • P
                      PhantomPlateCheesy Dale
                      2 years ago
                      Wdym "The audience may be at fault for overreacting", they are major cause of the problem. Agency can't do sh*t about who to choose since most of them are toxic. If they don't choose those audience, the idol will make almost no money. Here an article about a fan who stalk his idol through an eye reflection of her photo. www(dot)bbc(dot)com/news/world-asia-50000234 .
                      • N
                        1 year ago
                        Yes they can, there are tons of agencies that dont cater to incels, like alternative idols like bis who literally run naked on stage,
                        Underground idols are varied with lots being ex escorts or prostitutes.

                        Only the ones that cater to the “pure” audience get that flak
                        • P
                          1 year ago
                          Isn't that already different market to begin with? The contract will change and the contracted has to do something they prefer not to do, like run naked. What I mean is that the target audience for this market is for those "pure" audience/incels. There are not many audience as large as them.
                  • V
                    VoidKyōkoMan, Idol entertainment is just the most toxic thing in Japan 🤷 Just Vtube I guess just be careful ...
                    1 year ago
                    Idol entertainment is the same whenever u go.
                    In America, the most toxic is probably what happened inside sport industry.
                    At Asia, it is inside Entertainment Industry of Japan, Korea maybe China too.
                    • V
                      VoidKyōkoMan, Idol entertainment is just the most toxic thing in Japan 🤷 Just Vtube I guess just be careful ...
                      1 year ago
                      wait what even is vtube i keep hearing about it but idk what it is
                      • X
                        XGeinKyōkoMan, Idol entertainment is just the most toxic thing in Japan 🤷 Just Vtube I guess just be careful ...
                        2 years ago
                        The most hurt for me is mano case. Damn..
                        Even cancel Japan seems more worst, like bully thoo, i was hear the bully is from one class, and everyone student get one.
                        Like wtf? Bunch of kids bullying each other but with gank. so fckin freak weirdo.
                        • B
                          BridgeDemonKyōkoMan, Idol entertainment is just the most toxic thing in Japan 🤷 Just Vtube I guess just be careful ...
                          2 years ago
                          Yeah, that's why while I like Japan's idols, I can't really say the same for the fans. Their obsessive behavior is off the charts that makes Twitch simps look like angels in comparison.
                        • S
                          My teaching looking at the dumb kids work and almost failing

                          • X
                            2 years ago
                            Waifu war ig 😂
                            • V
                              Veemo NationStoicMy teaching looking at the dumb kids work and almost failing
                              2 years ago
                              I feel like nothing happened in this chapter...
                              • S
                                StoicVeemo Nation
                                2 years ago
                                Yea nothing did it was them showing there studio, dancing, recording and that basically it
                            • B
                              Bestest Brother Christian
                              2 years ago
                              Those unicorn fans should slice their own throat tbh
                              What a waste of oxygen they are

                              • w
                                waethrmanBestest Brother Christian
                                2 years ago
                                I think the problem at hand is that these fans are most likely to drop large and constant sums of money
                                • B
                                  Bestest Brother Christianwaethrman
                                  2 years ago
                                  Where do you think a fat cucks that touch grass once a month got their shit load of money from?
                                  Prolly through shark loans and when the payment is due, they'd slice their throat or just gone to the forbidden forest
                                  That's a 2010s way of thinking, my dude
                                  Covid era's the biggest simp is the one who touch grass and go outside
                                  We're not mentally unhinge to have fantasy date with our oshi
                                  Sure, we can masturbate to them or fuck hookers and cosplay as them but that's how we draw the line
                                  I like watching Froot and Veibae, hell, I even know the forbidden knowledge about them but still I will never have a plan to date one of them
                                  You get what am tryna say?
                                  Man has to be realistic about their dream
                              • A
                                I swear if anything happens to the girls,
                                I am gonna take a flight to Japan and smack my laptop in the mangaka's face,

                                Still in trauma cause of Ai.
                                • X
                                  Really appreciate the work of the translator for the ending bits explaining everything in detail, that's really helpful.
                                  • A
                                    Arthur Denji
                                    1 year ago
                                    Why can't parasocials be normal?
                                    • K
                                      Kaim the Fang Enjoyer
                                      2 years ago
                                      Such pretty idols they are. Seeing Ai still hurts..-
                                      • A
                                        AGuyInARoomKaim the Fang Enjoyer
                                        2 years ago
                                      • Anime version really hammered in that last part
                                        • N
                                          Neko Majin C
                                          1 year ago
                                          I am sure Memcho meant for it to sound dirty when she said she could go all night long.
                                          • ムWildGuyム
                                            1 year ago
                                            Doesn't them having a boyfriend add more appeal?
                                            • K
                                              2 years ago
                                              YES KEEP DESTROYING THE KANA SHIP AKANE, DESTROY IT MWHAHAHAHAHA
                                              • G
                                                2 years ago
                                                I hope he doesnt purposely start avoiding her because of this
                                                • C
                                                  Chun ∞ω∞
                                                  2 years ago
                                                  • U
                                                    2 years ago
                                                    well played Akane
                                                    • B
                                                      2 years ago
                                                      God dammit. Does this mean he's gonna distance himself EVEN MORE!?

                                                      Arima really can't catch a break. Author, do you really hate us Arima shippers!?
                                                      • K
                                                        this is getting an anime adaptation !
                                                        • T
                                                          2 years ago

                                                          Let them be happy
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                                                          H1tl3R Ah it's the brain poison healer

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                                                          Sarco Oh no, the racism arc, bomb this city NOW!

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