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  • b
    4 years ago

    WTF is the author doing? I kept it in last chapter, but fuck this! I'm depressed enough as it is, I don't need this RN!
    • V
      Velsdar Tepes IIIbladexp210
      4 years ago
      I know right? The forced feels is just too much. Just like cheap drama that in the begining MC face shouting "IM THE MOST MISERABLE PERSON IN THE WORLD!!"
      • T
        Tyler Nelsonbladexp210Bruh! WTF is the author doing? I kept it in last chapter, but fuck this! I'm depressed enough as it...
        3 years ago
        i know right whyyyy did he have to kill eril!!!!!!!!!
      • G
        Ghanou senpai
        4 years ago
        Author i curse you with eternal misfortune for NTR my fucking feelings fuck u very much

        • R
          R I P.
          BTW if u dont know, the password "i dont get it at all" in japanese is "wakari ma sen"
          • P
            4 years ago
            so went the the army goes to the plave they should have hold a conversation
            1st soldier: hey do u get this password??
            2nd soldier: hmm.. i dont get it at all.. urgghh

            *creak...door open*
          • I
            I watch AnimeRuiR I P. BTW if u dont know, the password "i dont get it at all" in japanese is "wakari ma sen"
            4 years ago
            Which a more literal translation would be "I don't know"
            • L
              LeonI watch Anime
              4 years ago
              not quite, "I don't know" and "I don't get it" have different phrase in Japanese
              • I
                I watch AnimeLeon
                4 years ago
                They basically mean the same thing, just a different way to say it.
                • L
                  LeonI watch Anime
                  4 years ago
                  obviously not, they have fundamentally different meaning, "I don't know" means you have no idea of what it is but you might understand it, meanwhile "I don't get it" means you don't understand it despite knowing it
              • H
                HenrulI watch AnimeWhich a more literal translation would be "I don't know"
                4 years ago
                Woe really? That is something XD
              • G
                Ghanou senpaiRuiR I P. BTW if u dont know, the password "i dont get it at all" in japanese is "wakari ma sen"
                4 years ago
                Arigatoo gozaimas decyphrs -san
              • 𝘿𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝘿𝙚𝙚 ®
                4 years ago

                • t
                  4 years ago
                  nice implementation of dark joke, in the password
                  • A
                    4 years ago

                    • 𝘿𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝘿𝙚𝙚 ®Anime_Freak96
                      4 years ago

                      • I
                        I watch AnimeAnime_Freak96
                        4 years ago
                        Sorry, doesn't fit the situation.
                      • B
                        Bestest Brother Christian
                        4 years ago

                        • I
                          4 years ago
                          What the hell. Not only his master got killed, now he's got cursed too?
                          • G
                            Ghanou senpaiInfinityCrazee
                            4 years ago
                            Bruh no why fuck the goddess if she cursed him
                          • M
                            Magnificent Sasquatch
                            4 years ago
                            Aaand dropped. Hamfisted angst for the sake of forced drama is never satisfying, just depressing.
                            • P
                              Placeholder99Magnificent Sasquatch
                              4 years ago
                              LMFAO the person who disliked your comment left a bitching reply to me when I said the same thing about Goblin Slayer, and now they follow me around and dislike my comments. Forced drama is lazy garbage, actual contextualized drama is genuine quality and keeps you on the edge of your seat
                              • I
                                I watch AnimePlaceholder99
                                4 years ago
                                Yep, cuz ur an ass
                                And you always say that every series is crap and leave "bitching replies" (seems I'm definitely right from your reaction lol)
                                You'll respond, but I'll just leave this here.
                                • P
                                  Placeholder99I watch Anime
                                  4 years ago
                                  You are a filthy hypocrite. You actually "bitch" and "complain" about what you arbitrarily consider to be other people's "bitching" and "complaining". Nice hypocrisy. You are a sanctimonious dump truck. And you are the convenient idiot that lazy manga Authors shill off of. You haven't even read all of my comments, so you don't know that I say every series is crap, but you have no problem being a habitual liar. Go back to asking for more fan service, I've seen your gross comments. Keep stalking me creep
                                  • P
                                    4 years ago
                                    hear me man, usualy Reborn/ Isekaied give off easy lifestyle but this one different not like Reincarnation for revenge where u already know the path is vengenance.
                                    If u compare it with Goblin Slayer it's not suitable coz from the beginning his goal is vengeance towards goblins while this one he Start from slavery even though the author skipped the difficulties of slave and make him met with kind family that soon to be destroyed

                                    and here he already completed his revenge no one is save from that spell (Hope so)... so maybe here the start of his life journey finding new goal
                                    • P
                                      4 years ago
                                      Actually, you completely misunderstood my comparison to Goblin Slayer, and the comparison is perfectly suitable if you understand.

                                      In both stories people die from incompetence, not from actual defeat or true helplessness. In Goblin Slayer, EVERYONE knows that goblins are deadly murderers. It's literally explained in the first chapter, or the first few chapters, that the villagers hear story after story of entire adventurer parties being killed off, and broken women sent to recover in churches for the rest of their lives. It's literally a "common story", and that is straight from the text. The guild has lost party after party, people have lost family and friends, entire villages have been destroyed or over run, there are refugees pouring down the street in carriages, again, it's shown at the beginning of the story. So the guild knows people are dying left and right, so what do they do? Do they require people to have armor? To have spare weapons? To show up for mandatory training? No, they literally send adventurers to their deaths, and give the goblins free metal weapons, shields, and armor that the goblins can't make themselves, in the process. What do the adventurers do? Do they take the deadly goblins seriously since so many adventurers have died? Do they get armor and helmets? Shields and spare weapons? Do they practice? No, they run in and get murdered and raped. It's not that those stinky green toddlers can actually beat humans in a fight, it's that the Author made everyone so unbelievably incompetent and so preposterously stupid that they end up dying to little stinky green toddlers. Even some peasants with pitch forks could take up the 5 man formation from Kingdom, watch each other's backs, and pierce the goblins at a distance, and have hatchets as a back up weapon, but the guild sends in an UNARMED and UNARMORED martial artist, priestess, and sorceress with a staff that's no good for fighting. I haven't even seen real people approach bee hives, ant hills, or garden snakes with the type of arrogance and incompetence the characters have in goblin slayer. Now back to this story. The main character finds out his family has been taken hostage, except, they ALL have BARRIERS besides his teacher. He agrees to meet hoping to save his family. His goal is to save his family. He has stupidly powerful magic that can destroy the whole castle and kill a huge Wyvern okay, and he did that in an instant. So when he comes across his family and identifies their abductors and attackers, what does he do? Does he kill them with his magic while his family is still protected by his magic? Nope, he begs a guy who just threw a naked child off a rooftop to her death, do you understand? When your family has been taken hostage, and you have over powered insta kill magic, and you see the people holding them hostage, and the guy giving orders who threw a child to her death, do you beg or do you start blasting? I say you start blasting, he goes with begging. The begging doesn't work, and the spy comes forward to reveal himself. Does our mc immediately start blasting once the spy reveals himself? Again, he has over powered insta kill big range magic. What does he do? He stands around surprised, and lets the spy use the slave magic to disperse his barriers, the only thing protecting his family, and his family dies. You can argue that he was worried for his teacher, but I have news for you, his teacher not only refused a barrier protection in the first place, but also lost the fight and was taken prisoner due to his own failing. In that situation do you help the people you actually have the ability to help, and hope for the best for your teacher, or do you stand around and do NOTHING while everyone DIES? The blame goes all around okay. Yes, the evil people are to blame for taking hostages in the first place, but if his master had already released the slave magic, they NEVER get put in that situation in the first place, but even after they get put in that situation regardless, the MC could still take out all of the enemies and at least save his family even if he couldn't help the teacher. SO the point is, in both Goblin Slayer and this story, all the tragedy, horror, gore, death, it's all cheap, manufactured by the Author, and avoidable. It's caused by incompetence, not by actual helplessness.
                                      • P
                                        Phillip BernardPlaceholder99
                                        4 years ago
                                        I share your reasoning on both accounts Goblin slayer wasn't my cup of tea due to a lot of your reasons and some others I thought of as well but yeah I feel some authors are forcing events too hard not just in a couple genres either but a bunch where events didn't feel right or match the mc's personality. Makes me conflicted in starting new manga or light novels anymore :/
                                        • P
                                          Placeholder99Phillip Bernard
                                          4 years ago
                                          I totally get where you are coming from. I think I dropped all manga for like 7 months after burnout from the predictable formulas, the non-stop clichés, and the pretty much near constant disappointment. One thing that helped was changing my reading habits. I just really increased my standards, and stopped giving authors extra credit for what I considered interesting premises, because stories that grab your attention with interesting premises but then waste your time with predictable clichés, have to be one of my biggest problems with the manga industry right now. They got smarter and started dressing up their copy and pasted garbage fan service swim suit calendars and mime facial expression simulators, as genuinely interesting fantasy stories, to draw readers in and collect that pay check. So anyways, higher standards, if the clichés keep coming, you drop it, it doesn't matter how much "potential" you think the premise has, it doesn't matter how amazing you think the story could have been, you have to accept reality and understand that the author is not going to deliver on that and is instead selling a bikini calendar and not a story, it's a different product and if you stick around you will never get the product you are looking for. As long as you do that, focus on quality instead of quantity, and totally disregard popularity when making your decisions, and totally drop a series when an Author makes a decision that irreparably damages the story from your point of view, you will still have lingering disappointment for sure, but you will still have a shorter list of reliable manga that you truly enjoy. And don't feel reluctant to post your own original problem with Goblin Slayer, I'd be happy to read them, and you can be sure that I won't be the one sending you hate mail or down voting you. You got my attention, it's rare for me to find someone else who also considers Goblin Slayer to be so terribly flawed.
                                          • R
                                            Rex BonesPlaceholder99
                                            4 years ago
                                            Mind making a list of manga that somehow managed to keep your attention for longer than "DROP"?
                                            • R
                                              Rex BonesPlaceholder99I totally get where you are coming from. I think I dropped all manga for like 7 months after burnout...
                                              3 years ago
                                              Considering it's been over a year, am I to assume no manga has caught your attention for so long and they're all flawed?
                                  • H
                                    HolliePlaceholder99LMFAO the person who disliked your comment left a bitching reply to me when I said the same thing ab...
                                    4 years ago
                                    its just a sad manga now. even i am dropping this one.
                                    • P
                                      4 years ago
                                      It's the type of garbage you or I could write easily, because it takes literally barely thought at all to have your character get attached to other characters->brutally kill off those characters to shock your audience. There is nothing original or interesting about it, in fact it's the opposite, it's a waste of characters you cheaply killed off and it's a waste of the potential your story had before you ruined it.
                                      • H
                                        Hentai ProtagPlaceholder99
                                        4 years ago
                                        8 ball ?
                                        • P
                                          Placeholder99Hentai Protag
                                          4 years ago
                                          What are you even talking about?
                                          • H
                                            Hentai ProtagPlaceholder99
                                            4 years ago
                                            I dont even know
                                        • O
                                          Omega Level PotatoPlaceholder99It's the type of garbage you or I could write easily, because it takes literally barely thought at a...
                                          4 years ago
                                          This story is stupid...this story is trash....yada yada yada...and here i am still reading and leaving hateful comment like whaat dude u Tsundere or something? XD
                                          • P
                                            Placeholder99Omega Level Potato
                                            4 years ago
                                            This is the definition of putting words in someone else's mouth. You must be delusional. Of course I dropped this story. The newest comments show on the bottom of the page, ANY page no matter what manga you are reading, so when I saw that comment I popped in to see which Manga they were posting about, upvoted it, and replied to warn them they might get hate mail. A lot of hateful people on this site throw insults at anyone who posts any type of criticism. Just like you, calling people names for your own personal entertainment, what, are you a troll or something? And the comment section is open. If a reader doesn't like something, they can post it, this isn't a place to worship the Author
                                  • C
                                    • [
                                      2 years ago
                                      I kinda like this kind of thing where it takes you by surprise at least for me it makes it so I can't guess whats going to happen next
                                      • I
                                        I watch Anime
                                        4 years ago
                                        Some serious ReZero depression here....
                                        • C
                                          Chun ∞ω∞
                                          4 years ago

                                          • S
                                            I hate that i was right for this manga ... like i seriously hate myself right now -_- .... bye guys I'm not continuing this manga anymore somone pm me when this ends or not ... honestly don't care -_-

                                            • S
                                              4 years ago
                                              Don't worry, the translators dropped it as well...
                                              • P
                                                Phillip BernardSpinelesS
                                                4 years ago
                                                Really? XD man you really got to fuck up a story (which the author has) to make a translator stop on chapter 9.
                                              • d
                                                dutdutdutSolomonI hate that i was right for this manga ... like i seriously hate myself right now -_- .... bye guys ...
                                                4 years ago
                                                where's your wisdom, Solomon?
                                                • S
                                                  4 years ago
                                                  previous chapters I informed others that someone told me she was gonna die ... so there or did you want wisdom about how to deal with these chapters cause I got that too
                                                  • d
                                                    4 years ago
                                                    enlighten me, sire.
                                                    • S
                                                      4 years ago
                                                      I have enlightened Philip below read the comment if you desire the same universal knowledge young one xD
                                                      • S
                                                        Solomondutdutdutenlighten me, sire.
                                                        4 years ago
                                                        There is a civil way to go about it or the berserker way to go about it ... which do you desire, young one?
                                                        <img src="" alt="Top 20 Strongest Old Man in Anime History – Desuzone"/>
                                                        • P
                                                          Phillip BernardSolomon
                                                          4 years ago
                                                          Tell us oh wise one both option and so we may pick the optimal option.
                                                          • S
                                                            SolomonPhillip Bernard
                                                            4 years ago
                                                            The civil way is to calmly close the tab that regards the hated chapter/story and move on to another story never to bring up the dreaded chapter/story again ... hence the civil way to do it
                                                            The berserker way to go about it (my personal favorite) is to first slam the device close (or punch your screen depending on the device), flip over a random table, storm outside and assault a random person for no apparent reason, get arrested, resist arrest, flee the country, find the author, tell off the author, assault the author, possibly get arrested again, resist arrest, flee back to your original country, then live the rest of your life in solitude .... hence the berseker way to go about it ... there are more steps to it but I figured this is the most optimal way to make the most of 72 hours (3 days) xD (ps please do not try this as this will most definitely get you in some serious trouble. This is meant as a joke and not to be used as literal content)
                                                            • P
                                                              Phillip BernardSolomon
                                                              4 years ago
                                                              XD Hahahaha I'm fuckin dying! That was funny as shit.
                                                              • S
                                                                SolomonPhillip Bernard
                                                                4 years ago
                                                                I try to impart wisdom when i can xD
                                                  • C
                                                    Chun ∞ω∞SolomonI hate that i was right for this manga ... like i seriously hate myself right now -_- .... bye guys ...
                                                    4 years ago
                                                    ok i'll ping you next chapter
                                                    • S
                                                      SolomonChun ∞ω∞
                                                      4 years ago
                                                      lol xD
                                                      • C
                                                        Chun ∞ω∞Solomon
                                                        4 years ago
                                                        i'm half-serious btw... i'll do it if you want me to, & not do it if you don't
                                                        • S
                                                          SolomonChun ∞ω∞
                                                          4 years ago
                                                          lol sure then thx
                                                          • C
                                                            Chun ∞ω∞Solomon
                                                            4 years ago
                                                            ok, you have a date with me 😉
                                                            • S
                                                              SolomonChun ∞ω∞
                                                              4 years ago
                                                              I'll try not to keep you waiting
                                                              • I
                                                                I watch AnimeChun ∞ω∞ok, you have a date with me 😉
                                                                4 years ago
                                                                Why Chun cheat on us :(
                                                                • C
                                                                  Chun ∞ω∞I watch Anime
                                                                  4 years ago
                                                                  • I
                                                                    I watch AnimeChun ∞ω∞
                                                                    4 years ago
                                                                    Three timing bastard lmao
                                                                    • C
                                                                      Chun ∞ω∞I watch Anime
                                                                      4 years ago
                                                                      harem ftw 😏
                                                                • V
                                                                  Velsdar Tepes IIIChun ∞ω∞ok, you have a date with me 😉
                                                                  4 years ago
                                                                  So you gonna cheat on me....?
                                                    • JUST SAD.
                                                      • Z
                                                        Zerri Elata
                                                        2 years ago
                                                        Wtf a barrier master that can't even potect in a blink of an eye. Useless MC. Bad transition of story too.
                                                        • A
                                                          Advocate Paradox
                                                          3 years ago
                                                          Boo hoo boo hoo.
                                                          • E
                                                            El Redentor
                                                            3 years ago
                                                            why do they fear him? nobody was present when he destroyed the castle, lol, manga logic.
                                                            • V
                                                              This is not what I expecting when I saw the cover...
                                                              WHAT THE HECK
                                                              • H
                                                                Hentai Protag
                                                                4 years ago
                                                                Lol, next house then. (I have little to no empathy these days, help.)
                                                                • d
                                                                  4 years ago
                                                                  for such lows to occur in a manga like this only means more happy cliche things in the future.
                                                                  • P
                                                                    4 years ago
                                                                    It's such a shame when the artist is so talented but the writer is lazy and incompetent
                                                                    • f
                                                                      sasuga, translated for depression and let it hang like this
                                                                      • k
                                                                        4 years ago
                                                                        ... *sigh*
                                                                        "So the story can happen"... yeah.
                                                                        I think I'll keep telling myself that.
                                                                        • P
                                                                          4 years ago
                                                                          I mean, you can use that excuse for literally anything. The Author could kill off every introduced character, and then introduce a bunch of pirates in space as the new characters and you could still say "so the story can happen". None of this tragedy was actually necessary for the story to happen, the story could happen any way with any number of different chapters. Hell, a fan could splinter of the story from before this happened and write a fan fiction that turned out differently. "So the story can happen" is honestly not a justification for anything narrative wise, and "so the story can happen" has no limits. If the Author tweets "I had to buy more paper and pens today, I ran out", then feel free to say "So the story can happen!".
                                                                          • k
                                                                            4 years ago
                                                                            You couldnt, at least, allow me to
                                                                            pretend to cope with the poor direction things went in? 😢

                                                                            Lie to me!! Let me live in my delusions 😔
                                                                            • P
                                                                              4 years ago
                                                                              Ah... Erm... Oops... *Ahem* It's all part of the story... It's all part of the story... It's all part of the story... It's all part of the story... It's all part of the story...
                                                                              • P
                                                                                Phillip BernardPlaceholder99
                                                                                4 years ago
                                                                                I watch anime really does downvote all your comments XD I went through your Disqus page and couldn't find something they didn't dislike lol
                                                                                • I
                                                                                  I watch AnimePhillip Bernard
                                                                                  4 years ago
                                                                                  Meh, he deserved it
                                                                                  • P
                                                                                    Placeholder99Phillip BernardI watch anime really does downvote all your comments XD I went through your Disqus page and couldn't...
                                                                                    4 years ago
                                                                                    Yeah, unfortunately I have a creepy e stalker who pretty much thinks writers can do no wrong, every work is flawless, all criticism is undeserved, and all reviewers are neck beard parasitic insidious haters.
                                                                                    • I
                                                                                      I watch AnimePlaceholder99
                                                                                      4 years ago
                                                                                      Don't kid yourself
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                                                                          Latest Comments
                                                                          Name Withheld It could be interesting... but can I suffer yet another game-interface title?

                                                                          The Ultimate Shut-in · 35 seconds ago

                                                                          TheTruthSeeker i suppose you speak of your favorite character "idgafguri"lol

                                                                          Chapter 171 - Blue Lock · 4 minutes ago

                                                                          Dumb face NICE SWORDPLAY SIR

                                                                          Chapter 30 - The Regressed Mercenary's Machinations · 4 minutes ago

                                                                          User-8890063151 fuck diabetes ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

                                                                          Chapter 21.6 - The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten · 7 minutes ago

                                                                          Name Withheld Well, this sounds the craziest, only in Japan shit I've come across in a while. 163 chapters means it surely has a steady audience too!
                                                                          I'll bookmark this for later.

                                                                          EDIT: YURI TAG.
                                                                          Fuck that shit, I'm out.

                                                                          Seishokuki · 8 minutes ago

                                                                          BLAX sasuke is done for the part 1

                                                                          Chapter 121 - Naruto · 8 minutes ago

                                                                          Tsukinee The dead flags can be seen from space in this chapter. Please no, please

                                                                          Chapter 84 - Killer Pietro · 9 minutes ago

                                                                          Erlking Heathcliff I love the sea

                                                                          Chapter 1 - A Monster Wants to Eat Me · 11 minutes ago

                                                                          Name Withheld 2.5/5
                                                                          Very frustrating at times and the author seems to promote the opinion that, if you're bullied, you deserve it, for doing nad shit in your past life!

                                                                          Honestly, I've spent too long on this title to leave a proper review, but if the above doesn't bother you, you may well enjoy this, even though it does get both very cruel and very stupid at times.

                                                                          The Devil's Boy · 13 minutes ago

                                                                          [Burnix] and {Akiaraizin} Oh that's a first for me then
                                                                          I'll add that to my About Humans dictionary

                                                                          Chapter 25 - Entomologist in Sichuan Tang Clan · 14 minutes ago

                                                                          [Burnix] and {Akiaraizin} Bro as a father, I too would have tried to strangle you to death with that phrasing of yours

                                                                          Chapter 26 - Entomologist in Sichuan Tang Clan · 15 minutes ago

                                                                          tyrant thanks senku I am now a billionaire i have millions of diamond creating labs all over the world soon i will take over elon musk too and become richest person in the world but i still won't buy the manga and read it from a pirate website coz I'm still a cheapstake

                                                                          Chapter 182 - Dr. Stone · 19 minutes ago

                                                                          Wandering Ghost There are other parts to be considered too:
                                                                          "Round faces, large, almond-shaped eyes, and long shiny hair all became associated with the feminine ideal. A small mouth, tiny feet, and a narrow waist accentuated a woman’s “childlike nature,” which was associated with submissiveness and the role of women as mostly silent, invisible fulfillers of men’s needs and wants."


                                                                          Chapter 128 - A Modern Man Who Got Transmigrated Into the Murim World · 24 minutes ago

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