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Samuel FosterI remember reading this a long time ago and I loved it and I see why I loved it was different and unique usage of a system and I wanted more. Solid 8/10 the only reason it doesn't get a 10/10 because it was rushed so much it made me sad I wanted to see more of this at least to chapter 200 but still it was an amazing read though I enjoyed it very much.
Bob (Rex Bones)"Tagala" isn't even a language in the Philippines, also you seem to not have replied to my message with a link talking about what the national language is, so I'll send it here too https://fluentfilipino.com/filipino-the-national-language-of-the-philippines/
Mighty Keyboard WarriorThat is a very important detail to include when updating him on the current circumstance. Han Hari should show her devotion by putting on the maid dress that even the God Poma agrees is appropriate.
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