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  • B
    Bestest Brother Christian
    4 years ago
    You know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventurers?
    That's right

    PORN (the gun is for my protection doe)
    • D
      Darkun2Bestest Brother Christian
      4 years ago
      I will sell the complimentary goods.. condoms

      • E
        Elroid TiereonBestest Brother ChristianYou know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventur...
        3 years ago
        I laughed too damn hard at this... here!!

        You deserve a cookie
        • C
          CatsandDipBestest Brother ChristianYou know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventur...
          4 years ago
          ngl I would probably sell toilet paper
          • M
            Man LilBestest Brother ChristianYou know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventur...
            2 years ago
            That's for the Nobles
            • T
              This Ole Sign GuyBestest Brother ChristianYou know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventur...
              2 years ago

              • C
                Cumandah snoozle pooddleBestest Brother ChristianYou know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventur...
                2 years ago
                Damn, you had me in the first half.
                • B
                  Blurry EyesBestest Brother ChristianYou know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventur...
                  3 years ago

                  • S
                    Simple guyBestest Brother ChristianYou know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventur...
                    4 years ago
                    you made my day sir!
                    • D
                      Dat FolkBestest Brother ChristianYou know what I'm gonna sell and definitely gonna sold out pretty fast for a town with lots adventur...
                      4 years ago
                      rofl, we loves guns
                    • T
                      THE ONE YOU KNOW.
                      4 years ago
                      It will sell any merchandise fram 20th century will sell even the cheapest of all products even trash will sell at other world i guess.
                      • D
                        Dito Destoni
                        3 years ago
                        Just sell 1kg of pepper and be done with it.
                        • C
                          4 years ago
                          am I the only one that saw the loli ara?
                          • l
                            Sell Dragonball Z action figures.
                            • Well, talk about the cluture shock from a night who NEVER seen matches before. And there are more things to learn as the MC will experiencing of making business
                              • Lol... "He was very shocked", ya think?
                                • s
                                  shirou amada x aina is eternal even in isekai :v ... i know what you did there author chan xD
                                  • P
                                    4 years ago
                                    3 things that are never really considered with the "sell modern goods in the other world" trope. The first is Taxes, you have to somehow justify your income when you file your taxes, second is cash, don't know about japan but the vast majority of transactions and banking done in the U.S. is with credit/debit cards and electronic money transfers, with some exceptions the only people who really still use cash are illegal immigrants. and finally, goods; no matter how you do it it will look really suspicious if you are constantly buying these kinds of items in bulk. the best way to go about doing this would to be to open a business on earth (at least on paper), that way not only can you buy all the items you need in bulk at cheaper prices from the manufactures (and without looking suspicious), but you can use it to for tax purposes, as well as deal with the cash banking problem.
                                    • P
                                      4 years ago
                                      there is another similar isekai manga titled "Saving 80,000 Gold Coins in the Different World for My Old Age" and it went VERY DETAILED about the economic, taxes, and government. not only that, her influence of selling the modern world stuff is affecting the people too.
                                      I recommend for you to check it out.
                                      • M
                                        1 year ago
                                        Lies everything you say... that manga is illogical and absurd...
                                        • P
                                          1 year ago
                                          I wrote this before the story goes that way.
                                          • M
                                            1 year ago
                                            From the beginning it looked like this... 100 yen trinkets that had no place in an isekai world...
                                      • S
                                        SpinelesSPrimeZurker3 things that are never really considered with the "sell modern goods in the other world" trope. The...
                                        4 years ago
                                        Not that hard to say you Purchased X amount of goods for $Y, and Sold them for $Z in your taxes.
                                        I still use cash. I use electronic payments as little as possible because I don't fully trust it's security.

                                        As for buying in bulk from a manufacturer, give the MC a chance to make his start up capital first :P
                                        • P
                                          4 years ago
                                          i've only ever been a W2 so i don't know how it works, but do you not have to list what you specifically sold? I find it hard to believe you can generalize so much, just seems like it would be too easy to evade taxes that way. also, he plans on getting rich off of this, so he is going to be dealing with an unreasonably large amount of cash. like drug lord amount of cash. will be very suspicious. as for buying in bulk from manufactures you actually need to be a business owner to do that, not only do you have to prove you are a business owner with a license you have to purchase a minimum number of units. so honestly if i were him, after testing how profitable all the stuff would be i would go get a business loan, open an actual store on earth (maybe a sporting goods store or something) and then use that to justify the profits and expenditures. if the store make money great, if it doesn't, no worries as most of your profits will be coming from the other world.
                                          • J
                                            4 years ago
                                            I've been working in a tax office for a while. When you're filing self employment taxes you REALLY don't have to specify. The government doesn't care unless you're making a ton of money, and even then they won't get too suspicious as long as you pay on time. If you want them to straight up ignore you, just prepay you taxes by filing a 1040ES every quarter.
                                            • P
                                              4 years ago
                                              Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.
                                      • B
                                        Baby Shrek dududu~馃幎
                                        4 years ago
                                        Interesting manga... my loli sense is tingling
                                        Latest Comments
                                        Mint Blancmanche anyone has spoilers on this? why has mc not just killed the royalty of the other kingdom already lol.

                                        Chapter 48.3 - Life as a Cheat Magician that began with a False Judgment 路 3 minutes ago

                                        Luffy how long have we waited soldiers.

                                        Chapter 176 - Akatsuki no Yona 路 3 minutes ago

                                        V-MM Welp we are already in closed to starting summer so yeah if we Lucky it will be before summer end....

                                        Chapter 81 - The End is a Game to Me 路 3 minutes ago

                                        CHENGUE we should be thankful that most translators don't go insane

                                        Chapter 19 - I Took Over the Academy With a Single Sashimi Knife 路 7 minutes ago

                                        Anakin Skywalker fr tho! im here to read the manga, rn im in Zou arc in the anime, and the whole arc here still applies to there as well!

                                        Chapter 302 - One Piece 路 9 minutes ago

                                        SingleBite "XHAKA NOOOO!"

                                        "Actually I'm the one who won the penalty."

                                        "Sorry, force of habit."

                                        Chapter 400 - Ao Ashi 路 9 minutes ago

                                        SamGnub I understand that reference 馃槈馃槈馃槈

                                        Chapter 99 - Record of Ragnarok 路 10 minutes ago

                                        Omni Isekai Harem God They should've taken the arm. The MC should've also buffed the hell out of those three before leaving them with the Orc General.

                                        Chapter 25 - Another World Survival: Min-maxing my Support and Summoning Magic 路 10 minutes ago

                                        NOT_FREX big guy is teaching some crazy stuff to him

                                        Chapter 313 - Tower of God 路 13 minutes ago


                                        Chapter 107 - I Am the Fated Villain 路 13 minutes ago

                                        User-0000000069 You have to hunt in top rank dungeons for that

                                        Chapter 67 - Rebuild World 路 13 minutes ago

                                        Smokinweed I wanna know about his training, how in the daredevil he beat up 20 of armed mercenaries.

                                        Chapter 9 - Amateur Vigilante 路 15 minutes ago

                                        Dumb face

                                        Chapter 104 - Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound 路 17 minutes ago

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