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This is getting retarded, forget getting your ass handed to you by every enemy you come across, now you can't even think straight infront of an enemy who wants to kill you because he said some hurtful words, I'm done.😒
Dude, almost every enemy he's fought against has been as strong if not stronger than him, the last one he fought while still injured/drained, and she just so happened to be one of the strongest from mucheon, while also having a energy type that was basically the antithesis of his own. So given his condition, her energy naturally assumed dominance.
Do you just wanna see him beating everyone he comes across like it's no big deal?? As if there aren't too fucking many of those dumbass overpowered MC series already.
As for this, it's effective psychological warfare where he's mixed truth with lies, much harder to see through clearly than just straight up lies, and given her importance to him, it's pretty normal to be swayed by something like that. Besides, this guy by himself isn't much of a threat to him so he's got some leeway to be distracted.
His mind ain't weak, he's just not a wizened master, able to see through most things. Keep in mind, he basically got carried to his current realm by his talent and the martial art he uses with lucky breakthroughs. For the most part, he's just a somewhat regular young adult otherwise.
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User-9862353175growing up in an institution, time travel, someones instructions, theres more going on here, nicu
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