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  • s
    why is the author shitting all over anything good that was built up so far only for cheap drama?
    • j
      999+ points7 months ago
      editors bro
    • Gresguizzowhy is the author shitting all over anything good that was built up so far only for cheap drama?
      999+ points7 months ago
      Because this story is about revisiting motifs and evolving them. Gojou is revisiting the first instance of someone pushing him away because of what he loved to do, and he is feeling it again with Marin. It mirrors her own previous fears of whenever she thought Gojou was backing out, but now it’s through the scope of Gojou feeling conflicted about what he loves to do and probably overly investing his feelings / spreading himself too thin (“I don’t know which one is the real me”)
      • 98
        Bro, thank you so much. I saw one of your comments in the past chapter, and it feels like you're the only one who actually gets it. People are not enjoying the current story because they feel like it's dragged out and overly dramatic, but I don't think that's the case at all. I feel like most people here want manga to show a rose-colored life that is impossible to get in the real world, and they get impatient whenever you have more than 10 chapters in a row without any cutesy stuff.

        This hasn't been going for 30 chapters. This whole thing started 7 chapters ago, with less than 20 pages each, and a couple of them not even being about the two. Chapters take a while to be released unfortunately, which helps create this feeling that things are taking too long to be solved.

        Guys, relationships are extremely complex, especially when your characters have a lot of baggage to handle. People take time processing stuff, and this is VERY FAR from the gratuitous misunderstanding trope that is so common in manga. Gojo is figuring his shit out. Marin very understandably got herself to a dark place mentally after some confusion. Things are hard to say.

        "Oh but if it were me I'd have talked about this as soon as it happened and fixed it all" Well, good for you, honeybun. Too bad the world doesn't revolve around you and not everyone's like that.

        This is character development, folks, and I love that it is happening. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

        The irony of it all is that if everything was magically solved in a chapter without any real development, I'm sure that people would be complaining that the characters are shallow and the story is unrealistic. You can't make everyone happy, I guess.
        • Red Dragon EmperorUser-5875252598
          999+ points7 months ago
          Yep, I get people being upset about too much drama but but people are getting way too impatient, just give it a couple chapters for things to work out
          • SHADOWUser-5875252598Bro, thank you so much. I saw one of your comments in the past chapter, and it feels like you're the...
            999+ points7 months ago
            I'm enjoying it. And updates are quick too. Btw I only read your 1st para but I kinda get what you are trying to say.
          • YBlocRellimGreBecause this story is about revisiting motifs and evolving them. Gojou is revisiting the first insta...
            999+ points7 months ago
            Thank God somebody else gets it. The comments were getting really annoying on this manga.

          • 17
            User-8435655517sguizzowhy is the author shitting all over anything good that was built up so far only for cheap drama?
            7 points7 months ago
            It's called character dev, can Gojo continue to make outfits for Marine without feelings for her like he has done until now? Remember at the begining when he had to fight his horniness and act like a pro? It's similar but more romantically speaking but he doesn't want to break his friendship but still want to be together with her. He is totally oblivious that Main already loves him lol
            Marine thinks she has become an annoyance for Gojo's dream to become a doll maker. She is trying to not tie him down with her feelings since she doesn't know either that he loves her.
            So that's not cheap drama because I have read many testemonies of people choosing to stay friends with their crush or when they're lucky, the crush had to be crude so they get it lol
          • 999+ points7 months ago
            Started off really great but this pointless drama dragging out is pointless
            • Think of it this way if they wrap it up quickly then their revenue stream ends. This is why so many mangas that are popular will hit a major lull and get extended out beyond reason will fillers, the cash cow will dry up, it's time to skin it for leather, carve it up to sell for parts, jerky some of it, bone boil broth others, and grind parts of it for pet food, etc. They'd beat it like a dead horse as well if they thought they could make enough money to make it worth it too.
              • Darkun2 kept making typosMaouStarted off really great but this pointless drama dragging out is pointless
                999+ points7 months ago
                Honestly it wasnt that bad. It is bad but not some disastrous plot overhaul that make non sense.. but because we read this in a monthly manner, things felt dragged way more than how it actually is. I bet if we read this in a bulk the drama actually become pretty interesting and actually gripping rather than felt pointless
              • G

                • She's not wrong about how she hurt Gojou but she was a little kid, when you're that young you make a lot of mistakes. Finally saying sorry is the beginning of healing both of their traumas. I'm glad that our boi is using that to springboard into having a heart-to-heart with Marin, especially now that she's in a teenage funk. Gojou has matured enough that he went to her and she can't run away from this needed talk.
                  • I think the writer realized he's come to the end of making cosplay an interesting premise so now has to introduce falsified drama.
                  • it seems everyone dislike this development (including myself).
                    I dunno it seem Marin character too far off from early chapter that we all love.
                    bcs she has develop affection towards Gojo overtime?

                    misuderstanding always part of drama, but I would prefer comedic+wholesome or more relaxed approach than depressing shit like this.
                  • I really hope the series wont end soon, as painful as this drama is in the manga i still really love it, at the very least i hope it doesn't end with them getting together and then fast forwarding far in the future. I'm glad he and nonchan made up in a way, but now this though. I mean because its a romance manga they will get through it and everything will get cleared up in the end (I hope) but its still nerve-racking. much love to the characters!
                    • S
                      Come on man, I need the sweetness back 😭😭😭 I know this twist is kinda needed in the story eight now cause Kitagawa has completely fallen for Gojo but doesn't have the courage at all to confess, and Gojo is way to dense to think Kitagawa might actually like him (even though he already beat some for himself thinking about her in the past (it's the truth, we all know, you just didn't remember it 🤣🤣)) and they kinda need this push to bring them closer and realise how much the other is important to them BUT IT STILL DAMN HURTS TO READ 😭😭
                      • its gojover😔

                        • What the fuck did she just say?
                        • And that's why, folks, you should never decide by yourself how others feel about something, so you dont ended up screwing your relationship like Marin is doing right now
                          • Communication…..
                            Highly underrated.

                            • Mildly infuriating
                              • 999+ points7 months ago
                                Gojou, don't take her at her word!!!! Do something!
                                • If this goes on, imma bail this manga.. it's been stretch like a bubble gum now.. ITS SO THIN IT MIGHT SNAP
                                  • Good grief..
                                    • The hell with this manga..... why did it become like this..
                                      • VanSiarAVN_Enjoyer
                                        999+ points7 months ago
                                        I saw some other guy saying it's the editor's fault and i gotta agree that's a fair point. They're probably milking her work since the show was such a hit.
                                      • L
                                        The panel seems getting shorter and the drama seems dragging too... usually I will think this as sign when series will finish soon but I still don't hear any news.. anyway this is just another "miscommunication" drama, I just hope they solved in the next chapter
                                        • that expression doesn't fit marin. at all.
                                          • 27
                                            I'm just here praying that Gojou and Marin ends up together. I know it's a drama but still, you could've come out with another approach... Whats with the depressing shit? Marin's tone changed like bruh...
                                            • 27
                                              WHAT THE HELLLLLLLL ......😭😭😭
                                              • You better not fumble this shit up gojo
                                                • all of this could have been avoided a long time ago if they just had a conversation
                                                    • 38
                                                      And END.... right?
                                                      • C
                                                        All's I see is a girl in love with a boy and admitted to it, and a boy in love with the girl and hasn't realized it for himself. Resulting in a catastrophic breakdown in communication between the two.

                                                        I'm here for it though, means this ship gonna sail long before we get to the end of this series I think.
                                                        • With so much drama going on, author might as well go the NTR path
                                                          • Chapter started and ended :(
                                                            • Let's Goooo
                                                              • 999+ points7 months ago
                                                                Oh hey, it’s two of the things I called in the last chapter’s comment.
                                                                • L
                                                                  why???????? jezuz
                                                                  • Believe it or not, Wakana's jealousy led to this moment. He should have been upfront and honest with Marin about he was jealous after the Cosplay event. If he had, maybe Marin wouldn't be feeling guilty about taking time away from him creating Hina dolls and cutting him off now.
                                                                      • Z

                                                                        • and we back to square one
                                                                          • W
                                                                            I just hope this doesnt turned into a shitshow like rental gf
                                                                            • r
                                                                              • P
                                                                                Did we reach bedrock yet? Enough with the rock bottom part of the roller coaster. Cosplaying Haniel was too hype apparently and needs to crash down. Someone solve this with talk no jutsu.
                                                                                • after waiting for an eternity we got slap with this "i dont want you anymore" shit
                                                                                  • Z
                                                                                    "is this the end of their cosplay"

                                                                                    What's gonna happen is soo predictable it's hilarious.
                                                                                    I wish author tried a bit better to build suspense.
                                                                                    • I
                                                                                      Still waiting for Netorare
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