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  • R
    Richárd Nagy
    1 year ago
    I bet she gets stat bonus raise for using the family weaponary
    • w
      wind 369Richárd Nagy
      1 year ago
      She better otherwise ima riot
    • t
      1 year ago
      Plenty of people have loved ones die in accidents and natural disasters and yet get by without anyone to hate. Having something to hate doesn't really help someone grieve or get past the grief, in fact it interferes with grieving.

      That said, these monsters seem to be being controlled, so there is a valid being to hate, not that hate helps.

      Finally, how did the golem get so close to the turret to semi-surround it in the first place? It seems like they just teleported in place. MC didn't even notice till the golems were up close and semi-surrounding the turret. Seems like bad writing for this part.
      • T
        1 year ago
        Yea they really got close without shot by turret. How is that even possible

        • ɪ
          1 year ago
          The auto turret is on cd(cool down)..the mc mentioned from earlier chaps that turret has long cd..
          • G
            1 year ago
            even if it wasn't, I assumed the whole point was that if they attack at once it's not gonna be able to turn 360 and shoot everyone, so eventually they'd have a good number approaching it for the kill, like 100 goblins is going to kill a sniper no matter how good he is
            • t
              truepurpleɪꨄ︎ᵐᵃⁿʰʷᵃ☞︎︎︎☻︎☜︎︎︎The auto turret is on cd(cool down)..the mc mentioned from earlier chaps that turret has long cd..
              1 year ago
              Then there was no need to "surround" it, just rush at it. Still begs the question how the golems were retreating a short bit ago suddenly were right there
              • G
                1 year ago
                bad panelling ig

                confusing storyboarding

                idk what it's called, but 10 people rushing at you from 10 different directions is faster than 10 people moving in a single file......not that this is relevant
                • t
                  1 year ago
                  yeah but they wouldn't be coming from different directions, there was a mass of them coming. So there shouldn't have been any semi-encircling since that would take longer to do.
                  • G
                    1 year ago
                    semi-circle formation happens naturally if the turret prioritizes destroying the middle row of golems then ig?

                    reaching hard for this one
              • G
                Galomirɪꨄ︎ᵐᵃⁿʰʷᵃ☞︎︎︎☻︎☜︎︎︎The auto turret is on cd(cool down)..the mc mentioned from earlier chaps that turret has long cd..
                1 year ago
                the worst part about most high damage ouput source
            • d
              dafiratruepurplePlenty of people have loved ones die in accidents and natural disasters and yet get by without anyon...
              1 year ago
              y'know for once I agreed with you, but then you have to point out the non-existent bad writing
              • t
                1 year ago
                Which part are you calling "non-existent"?
              • G
                GhetoknighttruepurplePlenty of people have loved ones die in accidents and natural disasters and yet get by without anyon...
                1 year ago
                Another valid reason: He technically did sentence her mother to death, which also made him the only target of her hate
                • t
                  1 year ago
                  Dad did? Technically didn't sentence anyone to death.
                  • G
                    1 year ago
                    But teeeechnically he did Idk what to say making the decision to not save someone and the decision to kill someone are virtually synonymous especially in the eyes of the victim(s)
                    • t
                      1 year ago
                      You should learn what "technically" means.
                      • G
                        1 year ago
                        In quite literally the most literal sense ever he did not "sentence her to death"
                        he never wished for her to die, did not ever exclaim that she would die, etc etc

                        but in a technical sense he made the active decision to not save her, which was basically essentially the same as sentencing her to death

                        I feel like I'm using "technically" perfectly here????
                        • t
                          1 year ago
                          Technicality is a bit like literally which is another word that does not apply here. Technically speaking, like specifically and in actuality, no one was "sentenced to death". And that is not a minor detail.

                          If he had sentenced his wife to death, if he had used his authority to tell people to kill his wife as part of a court finding, which is how it would be if he "technically sentenced his wife to death", that is a very very VERY different thing.

                          Neither "technically" nor "literally" mean "essentially the same thing".
                          "Literally" means exactly as stated with no exaggeration or metaphor etc.(no need for "In quite literally the most literal sense" etc. as just "literally" conveys the same meaning just by itself as one word.)
                          "Technically" in this context rather means the same thing but in general means caring about the true details. Details like not actually having sentences ones spouse to death! In fact choosing to save many spouses, children etc. by saving a whole city as per duty and basic morality called for, technically speaking!

                          Even if both words "literally" and "technically" meant ""essentially the same thing" which they do not mean that! even the phrase "essentially the same thing" would be wildly wrong and not applicable since choosing to save a whole city instead of just ones spouse is wildly and extremely different than literally sentencing ones spouse to death! Not "essentially the same thing" at all!
                          • G
                            1 year ago
                            Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
                            according to the facts or exact meaning of something; strictly.
                            "technically, a nut is a single-seeded fruit"

                            Damn im just wrong here.
                            Swore technically was just the simple opposite of literally, my apologies.
                            Although I'd still argue it's morally questionable to prioritize your duty over family, not that I blame him for it...
                            But if I made that decision I'd 100% say I killed my wife, so I still don't think the girl is being completely unreasonable
                            • t
                              1 year ago
                              It's not "duty", it's many lives verses one. It would have been super immoral if he had chosen to save xer spouse over everyone else. Like if the castle fell not only would the many people who live there have died, but many others would die too as the monsters rampage across the countryside.

                              Like forget "duty", pretend duke was not assigned to the post but still knew a invading army was coming and their presence would for sure make the difference between victory or everyone dying. The moral right decision would still be to save the many, not the one you personally love.

                              Also daughter would be dead as well
                              • G
                                1 year ago
                                ahhhh no I have to disagree here lives from the perspective of an individual should not be viewed in such an objective manner, unless it is their job to do so

                                it is incredibly immoral, and quite frankly cruel to ask/expect someone to sacrifice their close loved ones for the sake of the "greater good"

                                hero plots are a thing of fantasy, and the satisfaction and/or reward for doing so rarely outweighs what the individual would have personally lost had they sacrificed their loved ones, if we're speaking objectively

                                if anything the "moral" decision would be to save his family, and the "right" [heavy quotations here] decision would be to save the city

                                I completely ignored the daughter being in the city thing tho, so my original point doesn't even stand no more
                                • t
                                  1 year ago
                                  What nonsense.

                                  Where do you draw the line? You think it would be more more "moral" to kill say 10 billion with a nuke if it saved the life of one second cousin twice removed you barely know? You got some fucked up ethics there.
                                  • G
                                    1 year ago
                                    Where do I draw the line? At the one I love most dearly obviously? Why are you making such an outlandish analogy, you aren't some coldhearted basement dweller who could make world-changing decisions with a clear mind,

                                    Although even if you did have a clear mind there is literally NO moral motivator to saving the lives of many strangers as opposed to someone you love dearly.

                                    That's a net negative, you shouldn't be trying to be a hero

                                    How about this, where do YOU draw the line? Would you stab your dearest if it meant saving a group of hippie vagabond street dwellers? What are they gonna do give you a shoe shine and thank you for assuring their meager 5 years left of life, only to throw it all away on some fentanyl od? That's pretty fucked up if you ask me.
                                    • t
                                      1 year ago
                                      Let's say you were CIA and you knew of a suitcase bomb that would obliterate a major city and cause further death with long term radiation poison as it drifted over to other major cities.. You know where the bomb is and how to defuse it. But the bomber has a loved one hostage with only one demand, you let the bomb go off.

                                      You think the more "morale" action is to let a city of people and others as well die? That's very close to the scenario in this story, and if you would say you'd let the nuke go off despite being able to stop it, then I say your ethically challenged and don't know shit about morality.

                                      And forget "duty". "Duty" doesn't mean shit when lives are on the line.

                                      Also harsh on hippies, you know hippies believe in peace and love and being good to others?
                                      • G
                                        1 year ago
                                        editing on notif should be a thing

                                        got nothing against hippies, just needed something usually associated with some disliked group, I didn't want to take this to a "criminal v citizen" thoughtstyle but it's a very similar argument,

                                        and ironically "duty doesn't mean shit when lives are on the line" is exactl what you'd say when justifying prioritiznng your family

                                        not that it matters, when your duty is actively the protection of the masses, I explain further in detail below tho
                                        • G
                                          GhetoknighttruepurpleLet's say you were CIA and you knew of a suitcase bomb that would obliterate a major city and cause ...
                                          1 year ago
                                          It is extremely hypocritical to say forget "duty" in a hypothetical where his driving force is duty

                                          It's also immoral to simply abandon the hostage for the city, albeit this is only understandable BECAUSE he is the CIA and it would be his DUTY to prioritize the citizen's welfare over his selfish needs (which are hardly selfish)

                                          If an average Joe was given the same option he should not EVER feel the need to act as if he's a grand hero, savior of the public. He should not HAVE to think with eyes of the CIA or whatever higher authority there is. And it is MORE THAN understandable to prioritize your family over a life of strangers you'd never know.

                                          The ethicality of your decision hardly matters when your family's life is on the line, and I feel its morally okay, and correct infact, to prioritize them.

                                          Hostages literally would not be effective if that weren't the case.

                                          Let's switch it up. Ethically, if you need to kill yourself to save 10,000, you should do it right? But would you say someone is "morally fucked up" if they decided not to? What's the point of saving the world if you're no longer gonna be it?!

                                          Even better, let's take this to irl. Would you say in every hostage situation, the hostages are at fault? If they threw their lives away and killed themselves, or attempted to retaliate knowing they would die, then whoever took them hostage would have no leverage, and every hostage problem would become trivial. So are all hostages morally fucked up for not thinking of the greater good? It's not like there was nothing they could do.

                                          See how dumb it sounds. When you love someone dearly you usually prioritize them MUCH more than your own life. Maybe you couldn't shoot yourself to save them in some absurd hypothetical, but you would do whatever it takes, and you sure as hell would at least risk your own life for them.

                                          Compared to the unknown masses, people you'd never see in your lifetime; unfortunately to an individual, their lives mean much less.

                                          You cant seriously expect someone to "objectively value" every life as equal, and choose the majority, and it is undoubtedly immoral to claim that DESPITE having a love [that runs deeper than your own self-value], you would sacrifice them for aforementioned masses.

                                          That's actually madness, and completely uncharacteristic of a morally in-line person.

                                          Going back to duty, it is also why with authority comes the RESPONSIBILITY to ensure and prioritize the people.
                                          Hence, it would be their duty to save the masses. You cant have just anyone leading in that role. If they prioritize themselves first (which as ive said before is about the same as prioritizing family) they're certainly unfit. You go into the job KNOWING this is how you should treat scenarios.

                                          In that specific niche alone the individual isn't immoral.
                                          Although in relation to the grandpa his child was in the city so it was city and family or wife.
                                          • t
                                            1 year ago
                                            It's also immoral to simply abandon the hostage for the city, albeit this is only understandable BECAUSE he is the CIA and it would be his DUTY to prioritize the citizen's welfare over his selfish needs

                                            "Duty" is only a power dynamic. A body guard has a "duty" to protect the lives of their charge even at the cost of their own. Odds are they wouldn't be a body guard if they could afford to not be one relative to the money they want/need out of it or power. Like people don't usually act as body guards for free. So by saying "duty" matters, you are saying morality is relative to money. It is like you are saying those with more money can be more selfish while staying moral.

                                            If the CIA agent was fired or it was some genius who found out about the plot on their own and how to stop it, that does not change the morality of it! I reject your premise that almost states directly more wealth and power equals more morality.

                                            Granted in this case the authority/power is tied up a bit more with the "duty", but it still amounts to the same thing. There would be no "duty" to protect if they were say royalty, being royal doesn't make you more moral by nature either.

                                            (which are hardly selfish)

                                            "Selfish" is a relative scaling though, not something that you simply are or are not. Any time you choose yourself over others, that is by definition "selfish" and people should be selfish to a degree just to live.

                                            That said to save your life over 10,000 strangers is extremely selfish.

                                            Lets lower the bar. What if you could save 10,000 strangers by cutting off a finger? A toe? By spending some amount of money ranging from small and insignificant to most of your money making you need to live frugally for awhile you could save 10,000 strangers. At what point would it become immoral to not save the 10k of strangers because it would cost so much?

                                            Prioritizing your loved ones over other peoples loved ones is selfish as well. Using your logic it would be more moral to save your spouse over the lives of 10 other spouses who are equally as nice of of people as your spouse and equally have surviving spouses who would mourn their passing as much as you would mourn your spouse.

                                            So not only do you seem to think more wealth and power means more moral, but you also seem to think being more selfish is more moral.

                                            How do you define "moral"? Like what is a "moral" action according to you? The picture you paint with your words makes no sense and are the exact opposite of my understanding of the word.
                                            • G
                                              1 year ago
                                              I have no idea what you're going for with that bodyguard analogy. It doesn't sound statistically probable that the majority of bodyguards are doing it because they are desperate and have no other option. A lot of things go into a choice of occupation, and exploring morality from that angle is meaningless, as it would be way too subjective to form a generalized point.

                                              I did not say morality was tied to money, and how does that equate to people with money being allowed to be selfish? It sounds like an interesting point but is pretty unrelated.

                                              And tf you mean "duty" is only a power dynamic. Duty can equally be the fulfilment and dedication you as a person have to your job, and be completely unrelated to the need to subject to whatever higher authority assigned you that job. His duty isn't just "the thing" that he needs to follow to not lose his job, because often jobs aren't that black and white? Specifically these kinds of jobs?

                                              A doctor usually isn't ONLY a doctor because of money, a large amount of time and dedication is put into their work and studies, there is a proven sense of fulfilment in having a job the majority of the time, and a doctor's duty is usually to save the patient. Infact, the relationship between a doctor and a patient does not have to be close for them to feel hurt when they fail doing so, and they rarely lose their jobs over it, much less fear something like that happening.

                                              There's no way, and I mean no way, you just tried to argue that duties of authorities, like a common code of ethics and such, only exist as the requirements to keep their job.

                                              -On the selfish point yeah that sounds about right, although I'm arguing that the selfishness in question isn't immoral, I probably skipped a few steps to outright claim it no longer counts as "selfish"

                                              -saving your life over 10,000 is selfish, but not immoral

                                              I would not argue that it's moral to save a finger over the lives of ten thousand, but the bar here is a little too low imo, since objectively speaking the most important thing to an individual would be the thing they love the most, or themselves. I don't argue that "the thing" is worth lives because I can't see someone mentally healthy having an attachment to a worldly item, moreso than to an individual, which is probably bias on my part.

                                              Selfish =/= immoral imo.

                                              And yes I completely agree with your use of my logic.

                                              My understanding of moral is my upbringing of "right and wrong". I believe that relative to the individual making the choices, a moral choice would be one that prioritizes what is of most importance. And to many, including myself, I would prioritize my own life, or my loved ones life, much more than a random, easily quantifiable number of people.

                                              In regards to the duty thing, and tying into my original comment, I still think that what's most important to them should be the one to save, in regards to comparing human lives at least. So with duty, it's equally as likely the responsibility of protecting the city is just as important as the lives of his family (although I have a hard time seeing that and found it questionable)

                                              Objectively speaking there's no point in the decision you make if you're dead, and in quite a literal sense many people's families ARE their world. They would GENUINELY feel devoid of life if someone that cherished had ceased. from that angle it would be easier to argue "the moral decision is the one that saves me first, everyone else second"

                                              It's not devaluing everyone else, it's bringing to light your own value. It's a "good thing" choosing not to "kill yourself"
                                              • t
                                                1 year ago
                                                " a moral choice would be one that prioritizes what is of most importance" ... to you.

                                                So if some some strange kids you don't know are suffering and dying and you could fix it with a bit of money, but you value your money, it would be immoral for you to spend the money to save the kids.

                                                That's a terrible definition for "morality"
                                                • G
                                                  1 year ago

                                                  I knew we would get here god dammit....

                                                  IF somehow, by some devil given curse, an individual values a worldly item like his money over the lives of others, so much so it is comparable to the life of himself, I would say it's the moral decision, but at that point they're nigh applicable for a mental disorder

                                                  Although, that would mean attaching some sort of sentiment to the money, it's not like "he fears going broke so the moral decision is to not help", but like "what's the point of him living if he loses this paper note", I couldn't respect the decision of someone that obsessed but it would be the moral one under my def ig....

                                                  altho (you don't have to argue this one ngl kinda unrelated) paying money to save suffering children is already a thing, and I dont consider the people who decide not to do so as immoral and cruel, don't quite think I'm crazy for thinking so
                                                  • G
                                                    1 year ago

                                                    I know it sounds dumb...but extremities are unfair!
                                                • G
                                                  GhetoknightGhetoknightI have no idea what you're going for with that bodyguard analogy. It doesn't sound statistically pro...
                                                  1 year ago
                                                  -Ofc this is only because of how subjective "importance" already is, if the moral decision is the one that satisfies the most it would truly be objective, but then you get some outlandish hypotheticals that I don't even want to consider, and goes completely against common sense and my moral compass (eg segregation, minority conflicts, from the top of my head), so I can't see it being that plain-simple.
                  • K
                    Kaim the Fang Enjoyer
                    1 year ago
                    She's such a cutie goddamit
                    • L
                      So coooool! >w<
                      • N
                        NPC #35273
                        1 year ago
                        God damn I love the manhwa
                        • [
                          [{ Omnipotent Bored 𓆙𐂂𓃱𓄁𓆈}]NPC #35273
                          1 year ago
                          Oh me too, don't think mortals are only allowed to enjoy this
                        • I don't know, maybe blame the ones in the city where momsters obviously come from. Natural disasters don't go out of their way to form strategies or show intelligence
                          • A
                            ArbozaliyanTouch Me
                            999+ points9 months ago
                            Dude actually knows there are people behind these attacks. But he chooses to hide this Info. Because he wanna be the cool guy. Is it so bad to want to be cool?
                          • T
                            I wonder if it is ssr
                            • N
                              1 year ago
                              MC being a total chad this chapter
                              • T
                                Man the comment sections is a paragraph response to other paragraphs, Im eating
                              • L
                                999+ points1 year ago
                                • 999+ points1 year ago
                                  looks like this is the best time to delete that damn clumsy debuff xD
                                  • S
                                    1 year ago
                                    Carrying the torch
                                    • S
                                      1 year ago
                                      This seems bullshit to me. Surely someone is behind sending these monsters. Be pissed at them.
                                      • W
                                        White Chocolate
                                        1 year ago
                                        someone explain this to me cuz im a bit pissed. why the hell did the turret not just shoot them if theyre deactivated? he couldve given them the command or something but no the golems are just letting them have their lil moment and he just lets it go
                                        • Z
                                          ZouseWhite Chocolate
                                          1 year ago
                                          Cause if he shoots them and they reactivate, then they don't get any chance to rest.
                                        • P
                                          1 year ago
                                          Eh, you guys know who people put the blame on the most? It's towards the thing that they relied on the most too (probably). And I guess the only way they won't is when there is a clear suspect or when they're actually smart enough to figure out what to do with their feelings.
                                          • C
                                            Coal Piece
                                            1 year ago
                                            Keeps getting better
                                            • P
                                              Let's fucking go! Yeah!!!
                                              • A
                                                1 year ago
                                                So poetic
                                                • t
                                                  1 year ago
                                                  What is? This talk about needing something to hate in order to grieve or whatever? I find it total BS. I mean some people might invent hate to help avoid needed grieving, but that isn't a healthy useful thing to do nor is it universal to all humans.
                                                  • P
                                                    1 year ago
                                                    You keep forgetting the fact that the world they are in is in constant despair from those natural disaster-like monster waves. It's not surprising if they develop unhealthy ways to cope with grieving and such
                                                    • t
                                                      1 year ago

                                                      But "poetic" suggests having deeper truth rather than MC trying to enable bad self harmful behavior with this warrior child.

                                                      What MC says and offers emotionally to her is not deep, not poetic, it's stupid and ugly IMO.

                                                      Why did you phrase it "keep forgetting"?
                                                      • I
                                                        1 year ago
                                                        I guess but, even though he's saying that, obviously she's not going to hate him. He's not really telling her to hate anyone, "It's no one's fault". Him saying "hate me, because I'm responsible now" is part of his way to get her to understand her father's position in all this. If he was really telling her to hold on to hatred, that would be pretty messed up though
                                                        • t
                                                          1 year ago
                                                          So you're essentially saying that MC was using some kind of reverse psychology?

                                                          Also that reminds me, what if she wasn't in the city? Her father should still choose the very many over family.
                                                          • I
                                                            1 year ago
                                                            Well, I can't lie if my daughter and wife were in the house I'd probably do what MC did and tell my men to go fight until i save my family. Also, I feel like reverse psychology isn't exactly what he was going for lol but he clearly wanted to establish that the same role that made the father do what he did now falls on him and just like her father, MC also wanted to protect her so she could live on.
                                                    • A
                                                      Arnish07truepurpleWhat is? This talk about needing something to hate in order to grieve or whatever? I find it total ...
                                                      1 year ago
                                                      Not the content but how the it's being represent by the artist who draw the page make it looked so poetic
                                                      • t
                                                        1 year ago
                                                        I don't see it, but glad you enjoyed it anyway.
                                                        • A
                                                          1 year ago
                                                          I mean the artist who draw the webtoon really make a good job in making the scene really poetic, and yes I'm happy to be able enjoy it
                                                      • T
                                                        Twinky UnOuWaNtMyCrEaMFiLlInGtruepurpleWhat is? This talk about needing something to hate in order to grieve or whatever? I find it total ...
                                                        1 year ago
                                                        Sure, there are many ppl who can accept the loss of a loved one and move on. The story though, as you even point out in this response and your other above, ppl where trying to tell her that she should view this tragedy as if it where a natural disaster so she could move on. The Mc is reinforcing this idea while also telling her he will bare that responsibility until she can move passed her hatred for her father. The reality was that her parents were infact murdered violently by the monsters while she was/is a child. I mean, we are talking about the emotions a young child. It is actually a very common situation many ppl have gone through or witnessed. Well, minus the monsters.
                                                        • t
                                                          truepurpleTwinky UnOuWaNtMyCrEaMFiLlInG
                                                          1 year ago
                                                          Hatred is not a path to moving on... MC is not helping her with grieving her father.
                                                          • T
                                                            Twinky UnOuWaNtMyCrEaMFiLlInGtruepurple
                                                            1 year ago
                                                            Well, if thats how you interpret it then i guess we are just seeing it differently. I don't think the Mc believes that she would take him literally and develop a hatred for him. I think he rationalized the position her father was in and that he was conflicted by the decision he was forced to make. Mc spent a bit of time trying to explain to her that her father was a good man and deserved forgiveness.

                                                            Thats what i got out of it.
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                                                    TheJackal Damn I was hoping there would be a sort of time skip like Hokkaido Gals where it shows their kid or them with a baby. Ending feels slightly hollow but they got thru the finish line nonetheless so it’s nice enough.

                                                    Chapter 115 - Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru · 3 minutes ago

                                                    SirTerrorizer It hurts but its also worth the wait, this series doesn't disappoint

                                                    Chapter 131 - SSS-Class Suicide Hunter · 7 minutes ago

                                                    Rin Tezuka He was in fact gay after reading all the manga, and that pussy The Last Archmage blocked me so I can't reply to his bitch ass comment

                                                    Chapter 1 - No. 6 · 15 minutes ago

                                                    CdaddyB That’s cause he sucks. Even in the novel he is always weak. If it weren’t for tactics and everyone for the most part being idiots to them he would have died at the very start cause even in his past life if it weren’t for his backer he would have been dead in the streets. And I will also stand by my words in the earlier chapters and hope he will have to kill Tessia and won’t be able to save her.

                                                    Chapter 210 - The Beginning After the End · 20 minutes ago

                                                    Communist Bugs Bunny That's even more fitting.
                                                    Something about fish shaped bun just doesn't fit right with me for no particular reason.

                                                    Chapter 103 - Match Made in Heaven by Chance · 20 minutes ago

                                                    Lorsss DAMN THEY ENDED THAT QUICK.... WELL THEY MARRIED EACH OTHER...... ME IS HAPPY.

                                                    WHY THEY HAD TO FRAME GRAMPS LIKE THAT... DAMN

                                                    Chapter 115 - Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru · 21 minutes ago

                                                    TWBLS She is sooooooooo freaking precious!!!!!!!!!
                                                    So it heeeeee!!!!!

                                                    Chapter 102 - Match Made in Heaven by Chance · 22 minutes ago

                                                    SadDrake13 Him thinking he deserves the position shows why the Elders opposed him getting it.
                                                    Hopefully he's just misguided(we all know he's being misadvised) and not a complete
                                                    horse's ass, like the old dude that's lying to him.

                                                    Chapter 251 - Nano Machine · 23 minutes ago

                                                    Midknight Mc gonna get so unnoticeable people notice a void in space where his pretense is erased into the negative numbers.

                                                    Chapter 32 - Let's be an Adventurer! ~Defeating Dungeons with a Skill Board~ · 24 minutes ago

                                                    Aryuuma They call it bungeoppang in korea iirc so either that or fish shaped bun

                                                    Chapter 103 - Match Made in Heaven by Chance · 25 minutes ago

                                                    Fantomas871 Well it has been quite a fun ride with quite an abrubt end. I'll see you all when I see you.

                                                    Chapter 115 - Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru · 27 minutes ago

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