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  • V
    This manga trying to tell a depravity and revolting deeds in such innocent way

    Which is disgusting to me
    • T
      3 years ago
      Basically. Tries to put a happy spin on it but it is so depraved.
      • E
        Exalted NevaehVictorThis manga trying to tell a depravity and revolting deeds in such innocent way Which is disgusting ...
        2 years ago
        It's really only as bad as you choose to see it as, when in reality this kind of stuff happens a lot more than you'd think. Like, a lot. It's just not socially acceptable so that's why you don't see or hear about these things much.

        Kinda like how gays have basically always existed yet weren't accepted by society so they stayed discreet and relatively unseen until the times changed/made changes.
      • S
        3 years ago
        Bruh this series is effed up and seems she doesnt care about either of them she likes the painter because of the likes and looks and much more boyfriend material and wants susa for his dee wouldnt be surprised if she actually gets pregnant with his kid.
        • U
          3 years ago
          fr, i was hoping to see miko lose everything, that saku would end up with susa's gf and that susa would open his eyes and find a decent partner or end up with the photographer girl, at least she cared a lot more about him than any of his friends or his gf but nope, give manipulative B whatever she wants, give nympho chick her happy ending and leave the two guys as a couple of simps doing whatever the girls want them to do with saku being poster boy hubby and susa a living dildo...
          • T
            3 years ago
            100%. People out there trying to say that the ending wasn't bad. Sasu basically got shafted. It only ended fine cause he is a cuck through and through. Sasu's gf basically admitted she like Saku better and when Sasu confessed to Miko, she was like nope, I want a part of everyone. Ultimately Sasu is the biggest loser. He doesn't have anyone that truly loves him. Saku at least now has Sasu's gf. He should have stuck with the camera women of anything. Just wanted to fulfill his celeb bang fantasy I guess.
            • E
              Exalted NevaehTerrorofthedeath
              2 years ago
              It doesn't follow the narrative you want, that's all it is. In the end, they're all happy. They're just not in a standard relationship, and that simply doesn't make sense to most people who are use to 'love' adhering to certain boundaries and looking a certain way.

              Even Susa doesn't quite understand it until this chapter. His mind is struggling throughout this entire series with his preconceived notions of love and relationships and how it's 'supposed to be', before finally realizing that things can be different and it be okay.

              All that actually matters is that everyone involved is happy, whether it be in a standard 2 person relationship, or whatever other arrangement people decide is for them.
        • L
          2 years ago
          I had honestly forgotten about this manga...forgot to read this last chapter.
          Gotta say...the camera girl (I think her name was Iruka?) would've been a win....compared to this....imo.

          Imagine being in MC's shoes.

          Would you choose a swapping girlfriends/wives relationship with your best friend?


          Would you rather date/marry a woman that would bring through hot women of your choice for you to fuck from time to time or anytime you wanted?
          MC could've lived the dream....instead he's limited himself to two women....that has to share...lame.
          • E
            Exalted NevaehLeapedIntoAFantasy
            2 years ago
            The second option isn't his dream though, it's yours. His is being involved with Miko.

            This way, he gets to continue the relationship that he was mostly already happy with while also getting to mutually fulfill both his and his wife's fantasies.
            Same for Miko and Saku. They were already good with each other, there was just a little something missing that they both wanted, not they can enjoy it.
            • L
              LeapedIntoAFantasyExalted Nevaeh
              2 years ago
              The energy of my comment and your reply to my comment are not the same.
              They don't match whatsoever.
              It's as if my comment went right over your head.

              There is no need/reason for such a reply to my sort of comment for this sort of story.

              I learned nothing and it wasn't interesting/entertaining.
              • E
                Exalted NevaehLeapedIntoAFantasy
                2 years ago
                So what if their energy doesn't match? I'm still directly addressing what you said in your comment.

                I understood what you were saying, I just felt like what you said is inherently missing the point as you were clearly thinking from a point of self rather than from Susa's perspective.
                Hence why I said what I said.

                If you don't get it/it doesn't make sense to you, then that's fine. None of this matters anyways.
                • L
                  LeapedIntoAFantasyExalted Nevaeh
                  2 years ago
                  What I'm mainly getting that you shouldn't of even replied to me.
                  Just make your own comment.
                  I already know about the characters....I commented the way I wanted to comment.

                  You didn't fill me in on anything I didn't already know.
          • N
            Really a smut manga. It's so disgusting that I feel like to write a haiku
            • H
              Horny orc san
              2 years ago
              I skipped from chapter 4 and this is enough of the internet today
              • R
                Reza Pratama✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
                3 years ago
                Swinger bells, swinger bells, swingeer all the waaaay~ 🎶🎵🎶🎶🎅
                • S
                  SakazakiReza Pratama✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
                  2 years ago

                • l
                  2 years ago
                  This was a lovely read. Good story the ending is unrealistic but good material
                  • E
                    Exalted Nevaehlynscrap
                    2 years ago
                    Depends on your definition of unrealistic. Unlikely? Yes, most people aren't suited for being happy with sharing a mate/spouse because of a combination of the natural selfish (for lack of a better word) inclination of love, and that monogamy is what they're grown up knowing. Much like how people often end up believing what they believe because that's what they were taught growing up.

                    How, this does actually happen, this fiction is very much based in reality.

                    For me, I call unlikely/uncommon stuff by those terms, while I might use unrealistic to describe something that's close to impossible to actually impossible.
                  • t
                    3 years ago
                    This is so unrealistic lmao.
                    • N
                      3 years ago
                      Its more realistic than most other stuff though.
                    • D
                      Degenerate Crusader
                      3 years ago
                      NTR is really not my cup of tea
                      • E
                        Exalted NevaehDegenerate Crusader
                        2 years ago
                        But it wasn't really NTR, it's a swinger story.
                      • L
                        Ohh what an ending lol
                        • This garbage is so revolting shit
                          • B
                            In retrospect I don't know about all this ngl. pretty muddled here.
                            • W
                              so they're just swingers
                              I did want that miko chick to experience some loss though like the rest of them
                              she just gained everything without any issues
                              • S
                                2 years ago

                                DUDE!... DUDE! .... hahahahaha They probably impregnated each other wives. =v hahahahah This is so fxcked up! hahaha
                                • m
                                  3 years ago
                                  time to use the flamethrower and bleach on my eyes and brain. btw thanks for the chapter guys
                                  • 🆃🅰🅺🅰🆈🆄🅺🅸 🅵🆄🆁🆄🅸🅲🅷🅸mtrickster
                                    3 years ago

                                  • L
                                    this whole series is just an extreme version of if you can sleep with your celebrity crush
                                    • R
                                      The last one was good tho. Dafaq?
                                      • T
                                        Thìn Võ
                                        3 years ago
                                        Finally an end for this damnation, not the ending i want but the one i need. There is no emotion anymore just benefit and desires, cope with anything that fulfill your moral lust and paly along while it last. Such cruel world like this await us all.
                                        • T
                                          TerrorofthedeathThìn Võ
                                          3 years ago
                                          You have opened your third eye
                                        • T
                                          Trevor Wellington
                                          3 years ago
                                          Not the end I expected but okay you do you author.
                                          • R
                                            Roberto Ramos
                                            3 years ago
                                            Anyone can tell me the surce of the blond Lady?
                                            • D
                                              What happened?
                                              • A
                                                3 years ago
                                                A swinging marriages, along with a swaping partners, and an NTR lovers.
                                                • N
                                                  3 years ago
                                                  Swinging marriage and swapping partners is almost the same thing.... and its not NTR if everyone is in on it then goes right back to their own partners.
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                                                YA-HA My eyes tears up for those little duo beasts finally met their savior... but too bad for MC couldn't speak their language, it'll be big hectic as well if he can't understand the other human's language in this world either. Hopefully he can finally speak their language and meet one of the good knight.

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                                                CoolWhip Ah yes how long has it been since mc appeared. Imagine watching naruto but he's missing from 60% of the show, and instead we get the adventures of his bratty less-cool student konohamaru

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                                                Phyrite Need immense correction fr

                                                Chapter 106 - Academy’s Undercover Professor · 15 minutes ago

                                                basmoslancien i hope he doesn't end up with any of those girls !!! Would be cool if he found an extra girl like him

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                                                CoolWhip Translator notes at the end are quite entertaining

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