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Truthful_OneI think it's like that everywhere when the fan is an obsessed stalker. David Letterman had some woman claiming to be his wife who was arrested multiple times breaking into his homes, getting arrested, sent to a mental institution, released, and repeating it again. A few celebrities even got waxed by a super fan like Selena who was killed by the president of her fan club here in the USA. I think this comes as the power of the marketing in that particular country, I bet in some of the poorer countries while they may have fans I don't the problem is as bad because their media doesn't have the pull it does in the richer ones.
Nexus1961Alto's transformation reminds me of Dion's in A story about a Dragon and the rising of an Adventurer, he's currently showing a human round pupil to Dragon cat-eye pupils transformation while in full kick-ass mode
Truthful_OneMaybe it's my personal experience with other violent people but these guys wouldn't have cowed down so easily even after the exposure and shame, in fact if anything the exposure would have made them far more bold and to be honest violent. Most bullies and thugs would have countered this confrontation with violence they would if anything escalate the levels of it, and it appears other classmates were also victims to a lesser level, so they would be put in a position to keep the status quo and keep their level of the bullying victim-hood or if they challenged the bullies then if the other students didn't physically back them they would be violently handled. What most people don't get is that the doctrine of violence will make these bullies stay this way until they encounter a stronger opposing force or the people who could make the shaming hold their parents.
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