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ShultaOr... or, now hear me out, there is a great threat prophesied to happen that even the Emperor fears. One that's set to doom the empire, or even just kill the Emperor himself. So he his invested in creating a powerful guardian to help stop this threat that even the OPeror is worried about.
Or he is hoping to have another Lackey to push his duties on to, much like MC's master.
SimulatedGrowthwait this is monthly release? I recently read old mangas with monthly releases and some had 150 pages for some chs and 70~ average what happened to this industry man no wonder manhwa takes up the scene
Name WithheldWell, I read 2 but I wasn't in the mood for a juvenile rom-com that wasn't funny. Maybe I was being harsh, but try it for yourself; just know that it's clearly not aimed at adults, even if seinen supposedly means 18+.
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