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Yeah, not to mention how you get to the sect -> by picking a random path and following it.
I want Luo Zheng to cut the temple in half. He won't even though he can. He CAN do it because he can literally grow to 10x his size, but that's a trump card he is keeping hidden until absolutely necessary.
AnonymooseFrom what I remember, they have only a phone and discord. They also change their name quite often. Luckily I know their legal name, so I could try the letter idea. But then again, I'm slightly worried how that'd go.
I guess I could... try calling around or something. Though idk how I'd explain myself. So yeah, I guess the letter would work best.
Anyway, do you have discord? Would be easier to chat there.
User-7665957845Just read these notes from author (tl:dr pure romecom plan hit the wall on old chapter 35, now in this site chapter 30.5) https://mangakatana.com/manga/i-like-you-who-can-have-sex-with-anyone.26889/c30.7
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