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lol she's hilarious xD she just pile up mistakes over other mistakes. At this point, the only exposure she gets in the chapters are just her doing something incridibly stupid. I can't wait for her to realize that her "friend" duke was sabotaging her this whole time
jeremymdWho gets all jealous? Cause if you mean the FMC, that's cruel because she made the first move and hasn't stopped ever since the beginning. She doesn't deserve to be toyed with like that even unintentionally. Meanwhile, Torigue only makes her move when she realizes she's losing the MC.
jeremymdThey're furiously checking every single romcom trope in existence I think. Some incoming would be beach episode, aquarium, mall date, locked in a room, random guys hitting on her and MC stepping up, visiting girl's room, sick visit, love triangle, the "I won't lose" line, etc. I'd sell my left nut if they don't hit every single one of those I mentioned. I'm not even complaining. This is so generic it's kind of impressive.
ZombzoRa-en 1 year ago Do woman knows nothing but virgin insult like that's not even an insult. She's possibly a virgin too. Authors need to learn better insult
Tell me you are a virgin without telling me you are a virgin
User-8784254671I feel like we were missing a lot of things this chapter and all the seriousness just went away like wth. The sister is an amazing wingwoman and all but the plot feels strayed from what it should’ve been
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