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I would say Badminton part is more enticing than romance part here
Like romance is -in a way completed - but badminton part is in its peak form Go Taiki show these mf that you a wild boar mate and you would t-bone a hare to death
KaleI thought for sure when it flashed to him saying he couldn't leave enemies behind him he meant the people he had been sharing mana with. Like let them exhaust their mana, get into the thick of things and then cut them off so they can't defend themselves anymore. Cuz they're all calamity crazed nutjobs, aren't they?
The Nameless OneIf you think what I wrote was some sort of justification, then you didn't really understood the point.
Reason why I responded to your comment was because it showed surface level understanding of leadership and subordination.
My point was that relationship between leaders and their subordinates (or any other relationship between two adults, for that matter), is never really reflected by a single emotion or rationale.
People say that only children are capable of complete trust. Adults will put their trust into someone / something, but there will always be other emotions or motivations besides that trust. That is why there is that age old adage:
"Trust but verify"
Humans are deep and profound creatures, with complex interpersonal relationships. Even the interactions that we consider simple, would take a long time for some outside intelligence to completely understand (like is the case with Artificial Intelligence).
That is why your response "he can't ever fully trust, trust is a need, & control is the only thing that can supplement trust" gives me the impression of someone who was never truly being led / hasn't led others. Like you have built up your perception of leadership watching Disney cartoons.
In a relationship between a leader and a subordinate, there is never only trust, but a myriad of other emotions and motivations. So there is no need to "use control to supplement trust" because it's already there, alongside a bit of doubt, personal interest, benevolence, selfishness and other.
If that relationship was so simple, there wouldn't be so many bad leaders / subordinates in this world.
User-8353746225This a great example of how to NOT make a fucking last battle. Showing MC getting tossed around the whole fight and then one hit from a beat up MC just magically turn the fight around. And after that it only shows the bully getting stomped once and then being forgiven? I have read a lot of trash manhwa but this is definitely one of the trashiest ones. It was a hard read from start to finish. Great opening chapter,band it went downhi from chapter 2 onward and topped off by an abyssmally ending.
Dont ExistIt would've been more believable if nobody fell to the ground, and they called it a retreat of some kind. Really, one or two should've died at least.
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