"Doraemon" is a series about a robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to help a schoolboy named Nobita Nobi. Aside from the normal manga books, their great adventures to different places are specially described in Doraemon Long Stories books.
1. Volume 1: Nobita's Dinosaur
Nobita found a huge stone which he sure was a dinosaur egg. It seemed highly unlikely, but it did turn out as a dinosaur egg. That's when he and his friends go back to the past to the dinosaurs era.
2. Volume 2: Nobita's Record Of Spaceblazer
Nobita no Uchuu Kaitakushi
Nobita and friends tried to find a whole new planet because they can no longer play on the baseball field. They did find a new planet somehow, and big surprise: they become super humans with super power in that planet!
3. Volume 3: Nobita & The Haunts Of Ghost
Nobita and the gang were Itching for an adventurous expedition. A seemingly stray dog came to them and guide them to one.
4. Volume 4: Nobita's Monstrous Underwater Castle
What if you can live and breathe in water? An under-the-sea adventure!
5. Volume 5: Nobita's Great Adventure Into The Underworld
Nobita thought a world with magic would simplify everything, including housework. When he finally got his wish granted, magic not only come with fun stuff but also some demons and evils as well.
6. Volume 6: Nobita's Little Star Wars
Adventure involving mini-sized aliens.
7. Volume 7: Nobita & The Steel Troops
Robots overthrown human's civilization! Not if Doraemon and friends can help it.
8. Volume 8: Nobita & The Knights of Dinosaurs
Nobita wanted to find a place to hide his 0 mark test papers and they found a hole that is far bigger than what they can ever imagine.
9. Volume 9: Nobita's Birth Of Japan
They all return to the past where human wasn't yet exist and start setting up a home/ play ground. Little did they know there was already civilization in that era. That, plus a wicked mage.
10. Volume 10: Nobita & The Animal Planet
A planet whose inhabitants are animal-human gets connected somehow to Nobita's house. Where do they come from and who does Giant and Suneo meet when they go there?
11. Volume 11: Nobita's Dorabian Nights
The Arabian Night. Is it just a story, or is there any similarity with an actual time frame? Nobita and Doraemon explores with the rest eventually caught in the process.
12. Volume 12: Nobita & The Kingdom Of Clouds
Does heaven exist? Nobita was laughed at when he stated it does exist. So Doraemon created a kingdom on the clouds, invisible from outside; only for them to eventually find others that already existed.
13. Volume 13: Nobita & Tin-Plate Labyrinth
A holiday at a place where everything is made by nothing but tins brought them to another adventure with tin robots.
14. Volume 14: Nobita & The Fantastic 3 Musketeers
Nobita wants a good dream where he becomes a hero who will save a kingdom from evil and gets married to the princess as a reward. But how real is the dream world?
15. Volume 15: Nobita's Genesis Diary
Nobita's summer holiday project brought him to a world of insects.
16. Volume 16: Nobita & Galactic Express
A ticket to a train that travels between galaxies becomes a ticket to adventure against aliens.
17. Volume 17: Nobita's Adventure In Clockwork City
18. Volume 18: Nobitas South Sea Great Adventure
19. Volume 19: Nobitas Drifts In The Universe
20. Volume 20: Nobitas Legend Of The Sun King
21. Volume 21: Nobita & The Winged Braves
22. Volume 22: Nobita & The Robot Kingdom
23. Volume 23: Nobita & The Wind Wizard
24. Volume 24: Nobitas Wannyan Space Time Odyssey
Eiga Doraemon: Nobita no Wannyan Jikuudenden