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_Lazaroth_ Thomas_JCG - 1722682647
_Lazaroth_ - 1722682451

But in all seriousness, I didn't expect this day to come, well I did, but you know what I mean. Even if I didn't like most of it (ignore the old days where I wrote fanfiction and fangirled over this...), I still pay my respects to it. It managed to do something that not a lot of things can do, bring so much people together.

Now I'll ruin this comment by saying that the last arc is the worst action arc of Manga I have ever read, the cast was far too big and beyond useless, the quirks were the BIGGEST ASS PULL In history (like seriously, Horikoshi could just make up any quirk for any situation, dying hero? Revival quirk. Stuck in a cave? Flying quirk. They existed only as a plot device.), the characters are awful and frivolous, there are literally ZERO DAMN STAKES OR TENSION due to the quirk problem as well as Horikoshi being unable to kill off or seriously injure any character besides, like, 3?. The writing is juvenile, and what the actual hell is the story? it's worse than dragon ball's "story" (I love DB though), nothing happens. The characters are the same as their first introduction. Nobody was developed. It's so bad. The fact the story was so happy despite the world being ruled by criminals in an dystopian ass hellhole where everyone hates the heroes is insane and is such a bad disposition. AND OF COURSE THE ENDING IS RUSHED!!! What is it with fucking manga endings????!!! This could've been an entire mini-arc. Pay-off all the characters, because guess what, there's plenty of characters and plot lines that haven't been paid off yet!!! (I'm so glad I don't need to rant about this manga anymore.)

But, I really liked the art. Some of the humour was good. There was a few hype moments, and I really liked the SINGLE arc that actually lived up to the world it set up, the Dark Deku arc. The tournament arc is still the best tournament arc in all of anime/manga history. See? I can be nice. Because I don't have bias (heck, I used to be one of the fangirls who was obsessed over this, so I used to have the bias!!!). I can actually SEE the Bad AND good, unlike some people. The fanbase of this is so bad too, I really don't understand how it got that bad. At least the characters are legal now, weirdos...

Finally it's over. Now go read Berserk if you haven't. Or an actual good hero manga, like one punch man, or MHA: Vigilantes. The SPINOFF IS SO MUCH BETTER!!!!

_Lazaroth_ Neurofez - 1722604315
Agreed on both points.

Her eyes seemed to be really harsh in the beginning, but got softer as it went on. Not sure if it was just art changes or it was symbolic.
_Lazaroth_ - 1722604247
A really good romance that explores the intricacies of love.

I meant that it literally ended the same way in that the winner was never announced for both matches, leading to an disappointing finale for both matches.

Although Agon was much scarier back in the shinryuuji arc since Eyeshield 21 has improved so much here. Although Agon has too ever since he started training for real, it just does to show how far the MC has come.
_Lazaroth_ - 1722463859
RRR is a brilliant movie. It's so absurd, but awesome at the same time.

Peak entertainment.
_Lazaroth_ - 1722463655
I really love MC's mother, she looks awesome. Plus Shia's parents are cool.
_Lazaroth_ - 1722382141
_Lazaroth_ - 1722370168
This is where Mashiba will really prove that he's changed for good.
_Lazaroth_ - 1722275446
I fuck so hard with this.

Most media is usually the same recycled garbage spewed over and over again, but this is actually innovative and interesting, even if the plot itself seems quite generic (i.e Chosen one has to travel and save the world with the same power that is destroying it).

_Lazaroth_ - 1722254461
I'm starting this, It's been a while since I've seen any horror manga. This seems like a horror-action manga, like Left 4 dead or something. Scary, yet cool.

I could care less about the erotica, I guess it helps accentuate the dark themes, but It doesn't do anything for me.

I will start this in a few days (around the start of August).
_Lazaroth_ - 1722200854
I like her hair when she's got a clip in it!
_Lazaroth_ - 1722028199
As much as I dislike much of this manga, I'm going to miss it a little.

Something like MHA only comes about every so often. The ability to move so many people, regardless of it's objective quality, is special.

Do I think they are yet again rushing, this time for the ending? Yes. But I'm glad it's ending. Horikoshi had an idea, and he couldn't execute it well enough. The reason one punch man works with a hero/villain system is because of many things. The two biggest ones being; 1. It doesn't take itself seriously, until it has to, where it works. And 2. it focuses on the side characters. You just CANNOT have a large cast and only focus on 1-3 of the characters. It leads to every other character being useless and not important.

I don't even think mega fans of MHA can seriously list, off the top of their head with no help, all the characters in Class 1-A. They've been in almost every single chapter after all, but seriously, what can you tell me about their goals in life, their likes and dislikes, their perspectives on heroes and villains, etc.
Well I Hope You Don't Read This Manga.
It's a crime against humanity. I've never been so bored and angry reading a manga.
My review (SPOILERS!!!)
Yeah. It is an absolute abomination. I cannot fathom how it got popular.

This is coming from someone who's second favourite manga of all time is Hajime no ippo, another boxing manga.

I have a review on my MAL if you want to check it out, though it's full of spoilers. Not that you should ever read this pile of garbage.

I seriously think that this is one of the worst manga I have ever read. And I've read a lot of bad manga.
_Lazaroth_ - 1721991008
FLCL has some subliminal themes about puberty and sexuality, which is why Shia-san is hesitant to let the little kids watch it. Though it's so mostly obscure they they wouldn't understand the underlying tone and messages presented.
Different strokes for different folks I guess, which is entirely fine.

I just dislike that this manga feels like what it would be to watch a cowboy western plot and a robot uprising plot in the same movie. Pick one or the other, you can't have both. It doesn't fit and each side takes away from the other plot line.
_Lazaroth_ - 1721934688
Kinda going against the lore. They said he needed to be in hell and eat/kill the true form of a devil for it to erase the concept it was tied to.

But idk maybe Fujimoto decided to retcon that. Not a big deal.