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997 points
237 Comment(s)
73 Upvote(s)
Grimmy - 1702923759
Yeah that was just so fucking dumb on the mc's part... why the fuck did he answer so late like did he thought that it wasn't that urgent when no one used his call cards other than in an emergency???? He could've literally teleported immediately after killing the chimera and waited for the explanation later on, jesus
Grimmy - 1702923447
This is just my thoughts but author can easily introduce another organization after this, one that wants the revival of the demon king or are slaves of the devils. He can introduce Arthur as a part of that group, and this is just one of the plans to let the demon king take over the continent. Hell, they well could've been the ones that killed of the mc previously by secretly taking control of the nobles and emperor, as he was the strongest protector of the humans, as well as the one to have united the continent and made an empire from scratch—the biggest obstacle for a demon king.
Grimmy - 1702922658
Pretty satisfying, now time to build the unified empire and join hands with the whole continent to purge out the maggots >:)
Grimmy Grimmy - 1702922419
Still, that meteor spell though. It looked more like an asteroid considering the size. Still, he literally opened up a one-way(?) portal millions of kilometers away, or probably even light years away. Crazy, but, the spell kind of lacked in power compared to a real meteor landing, considering it shouldn't have lost any speed when it got portaled straight inside earth, without travelling through the atmosphere where it becomes significantly smaller and lose so much speed. Its average speed across space should be 25 miles per second and the one that hit the barrier looks more than 50 meters wide... considering other calculations, there should be an explosion similar to detonating 3,152 tons of TNT.

I gotta give props to that saint's barrier for withstanding such force. Even though it's useless if I try to use logic when there's magic involved, as the author can just spout things like "the barrier is from a God so it's explainable".
Grimmy - 1702921446
These comments... this guy just used a similar power to the son of Ra and MC did not know of it until now, that's why he's surprised. It was not within the MC's calculations for the 'Anubis-like' god to give this guy his powers (which was shown chapters ago when the God of death approached him while he was possessing the wife of the king of the desert.

And even if that was not the case, he had known of literally every noble in the empire beforehand so he was probably surprised why an outsider suddenly had the power of illusion (considering the short time frame that he had spent on the dessert, it wouldn't have been possible for him to learn illusion).
Grimmy Grimmy - 1702915822
VERY HUGE spoiler: he has already killed the king in this chapter but another person immediately established an empire, on top of a demon king's existence showing up
Grimmy Grimmy - 1702913324
he also does things slowly and deliberately (he starts off by gathering astronomical amounts of money to rival that of a country and he has not told anyone of his true identity and I'm currently on chapter 134
Grimmy - 1702912896
Holy shit. This one gets good later on. It starts off with a mediocre to kind of bad artstyle and story telling (the characters look soul-less) but it slowly gets better. The art style gets good around after chapter 50, while the story gets good after chapter 100. If it seems like the chapters are dragging on or you are starting to criticize mc's actions, remember that all of it are preparation for something grand, and everything that he has done was calculated. MC is cunning af but not overpowered that he obliterates anyone, although he does train and will do just that sometime later ig.

tldr: 7/10---cunning mc with villain-like reactions but bad art, although it gets so good later on in both art and story telling (art style changes completely)

edit: after reading the latest chapter (151), I change my rating to 8/10, as everything seemed to be a prelude of something even bigger (I hope the author won't end it there but rather start the real story from then on)
Grimmy Grimmy - 1702898583
but who's to say that his personality wasn't rotten even as a child, right?
Grimmy - 1702898559
Damn, that fugly was good looking before? Shame, he could've had the perfect life if mc just kept a close eye on him since a child to not let the mosquitoes (nobles) corrupt him
Grimmy - 1702898191
I feel like aizen could've been useful as his subject, but I often forget that he's literally got muscle for brains and greedy, so his pride will probably get hurt if he found out about mc's plan and will either immediately pose a problem or will become a traitor in the future. It's better to start fresh, nipping all the infected branches out so that the empire can become better than before
Grimmy - 1702897615
You fucking bastard... you dare kill a cat that loves you... repent in the deepest part of hell
Grimmy - 1702889915
Finally, the plot is accelerating after being thick enough
Grimmy - 1702889307
Huh, what a pretty funny god.......... I hope mc's strength snowballs like a character in dnd so that he can easily kill gods
Grimmy - 1702888317
The dwarf mayor is half dwarf and half human so I guess that's why he's tall like the average human and bulky like the average dwarf. (I can't reply to comments for some reason)
Grimmy - 1702887797
couldn't he just force teleported strong enemies to a volcano or something?? I doubt they will be able to survive if they're dropped off from tens of kilometers above ground too. Or like, force teleport a part of their body...
Grimmy - 1702887518
Good ass plan imo, get the whole empire addicted and let them kill themselves on their own
Grimmy - 1702886735
oooh, put poison on the incense that is specifically going to be delivered to arthur's mansion?
Grimmy - 1702883594
hmm, props to that count for being on the frontline, although, I guess his greed for accomplishments can be seen as foolishness too (man when will the mc unlock aura, I know it said that the longer it takes to gain aura the stronger it'll become... but still...)
Grimmy - 1702883287
ugh I hate it when they type asjkdahjsdaklsdj for the chants, they could've used symbols instead ffs what lazy asses