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Opinions Bastard
1347 points
120 Comment(s)
76 Upvote(s)
Opinions Bastard - 2 months ago
So basically Rom got cursed because of all that ritual, looking at it normally is fine
Opinions Bastard - 2 months ago
Can I have an adventure story where kids are not stupid and cause more trouble to the mc pls?
Opinions Bastard - 2 months ago
...did she forget she wished for a demon king to hatch from the egg and assist her?
Opinions Bastard - 2 months ago
So basically the box only contains ruined worlds like save files, not any new world, open it create a new world and swap the current world with it. That still doesn't explain why the current Darius exists because Pandora already opened the box and the only reason Darius keeps reincarnating is because Pandora can't open the box. The moment Pandora open the box all of this future should've been deleted, even with world's auto correct power because she opened it 6000 YEARS AGO. Plot holes everywhere.
And before someone commented "Then Illya disappear too because grandpa theory", Illya belong to this ruined world, this Darius belong to the not ruined world that Illya changed. Her action didn't change her world future but created another world instead so of course she can exist.
But ignore all that, here's the most important question: Where's my boi Gilgamesh?
Opinions Bastard - 2 months ago
It'd be very funny if Sun just absolutely destroy them even with unjustice, then when he try to deliver the final blow, a random dude just come in, kill the Sun with no difficulty whatsoever, and the Sun while dying say in a flabbergasted voice "How could this be? I never created someone like you" and he just answer "I know, UNBELIEVABLE right?"
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
I'm only at chapter 17 and they already cut like 40% of the story and reduce every characters's IQ by half, not recommended. It's a shame because the light novel is a masterpiece, you should check the light novel version instead of reading this half-ass adaption
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
They cut the detail again, in the novel he used the Coctyus warning law to justify but here he use nothing which means he broke the law and fucked up. I don't even know if this manhwa following the web novel version or the light novel version because in the web novel the mc used a summon to attack him
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
Bruh they cut the mc found and crushed the recorder scene? Now LaLa looks like an idiot confronting him without any plan
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
Of course the hero's name is Reinhardt
No, there are other travel to that world before him, they did some development, build a train, god didn't like it because they advanced the world unnaturally so all of it got destroyed
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
What I learned in Death march is "If you build a train in another world, the god will go out of their way to destroy you" so RIP Miyabi
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
This make me remember someone told a story about a raid, the attacker recklessly try to deal dmg ignoring the enemy's attack and when the healer told him to dodge so he doesn't have to waste too much mana to heal, he answered "it's more dmg efficient" so the healer let him die and said "oh look how many dmg you deal now, zero"
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
Lmao I knew it, that's a real MMORPG healer attitude
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
Nah he is a fake MMORPG healer, being a healer is not fun, worse when your teammate is stupid and can't dodge
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
Oh no another bitch reincarnated "protagonist", how original
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
Another "promo for novel" bullshit, at least it's just 39 chapters and not 60 chapters (yes I'm looking at you Never Die Extra, fuck you)
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
"Damn a suspicious dude in a clearly suspicious hood just show up out of nowhere and I clearly don't know him or ever heard about him show me an illusion claiming it's the future saying we have to kill a child, I must believe him because he show me a video of that child using magic to save her family"
Opinions Bastard - 3 months ago
Why did they skip his singing scene? Trying to rush the story for what?
Opinions Bastard CHENGUE - 3 months ago
He won't have a harem but he will have several "what if" end where he end up with each main girl