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475 points
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uCoex DatBoi - 1719022910
The dichotomy of the likes and dislikes is so poetic
uCoex - 1718898968
FFS, this is our chapter?? Cmon man
uCoex - 1718851702
Bruh, that's highkey jail time concerning behaviour, THEY ARE STRANGERS.
uCoex SABiR_HUSSA1N - 1718851343
This is a tad too generalised for this sake.

You've probably heard of different "lover types" from social media like service love (loves doing things for their partner), physical love (loves the simple warm of their partners body and physical presence) etc etc.

Most people have small traits from each of these "types" but one thing I can affirm for you is that the whole loving smell thing really does happen.

I myself have once met someone like that and it's not like she wore perfume or had an amazing shampoo or something like that, I just really loved her natural smell.

It was the smell that we all call a persons unique "house smell".

I also guess this part isn't what you wanted to know but just incase, humans can to an extent pheromones -> natural attraction.

Manga is kinda if like Hollywood and everything is exaggerated for effect but it does it exist.
uCoex - 1718850727
Dude left the drunk woman on the train alone. Escort her back home dumbass.
uCoex Rochet - 1718848983
It's to do with sensitivity of the tip (glands) at younger age, boys who don't undergo circumcision pretty much never pull back their foreskin for three simple reasons

1. It's not big enough at that age to matter.2. It's extremely sensitive.3. When regardless of age, if you aren't circumcised the tip will always be covered by the foreskin (while wearing clothes, while naked). Only time it comes back is for something sexual or something hygienic.

Simply pulling back the foreskin can be a ridiculously overstimulating experience until you get used to it and it's an experience all younger uncircumcised boys go through.

Overcoming the stimulation is a simple matter of exposure tolerance so an older guy (teens and up) will more than be able to handle most stimulation.

As an older guy there's not really an excuse for not keeping it clean, it's very easy to clean it's by no means hard to do (this excludes things like physical disabilities).

P.S. Circumcised males don't really have the issue of sensitivity to this degree because they are exposed from the very start.
uCoex - 1718845446
Low-key smort, different perspectives is probably the most helpful thing he can have
uCoex Kuro110 - 1718841550
To properly understand it and put yourself in his shoes, you kind of have to conceptualise his situation by comparing it to other regression stories that have only one turn.

They end up using all the information and getting quite far in life and if anything they succeed far more than the average person.

YJH is on his 3rd turn after failing to properly use information to succeed on his 2nd turn, he's turned around and lacks empathy as a result and he will only get worse with each regression.

This is why he doesn't care about people, no one is equal with him. Not nirvana who claims to be, not the sponsors who don't even know of the regression story until later, not the "characters" that he lives and fights with.

Dokja is EQUAL, which is insanely ridiculous in YJH eyes. He doesn't exist in the past/previous turns and he can't be sure that he exists in the future or the next turns for the same reasoning.

For YJH, regardless if Dokja has the ability to revive or not, risking Dokjas death at all is far worse to him than him simply dying and restarting, leaving behind the turn for Dokja save/finish.
uCoex Kuro110 - 1718800638
At the moment it is yes. But for every regression after this, Dokja doesn't exist. No ppl know of him, no parents, no friends, no work, no novel. He's that anomalous.
uCoex Phyrite - 1718800459
It's the in the book that Dokja read, however if it hasn't been mentioned yet then that is a spoiler mistake on my part. I'm sorry.
uCoex - 1718769793
Read it, it's straight forward and dopamine inducing
uCoex - 1718769765
God I love this. When things are done nonsense even if small bits of strategy bs is mixed in
uCoex - 1718769597
Fckn domed them out the gate
uCoex User-6679755129 - 1718769099
Masscre, dude has a nuke in his backpack massacre doesn't cut it
uCoex - 1718764435
How do they have database on the servant types and classes yet simultaneously get surprised at their existence in earlier chapters. Smh