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313 Upvote(s)
HeartNMind HeartNMind - 1724300387
Yes yes yes, . . No no no no o 🤣😹😂
HeartNMind - 1724300359
Now this chapter was Epic legendary whatever you want to call it to explain how the human nature works and integrats the relationship between humans. . . Human Love each other. They hate each other. . They age . . They care for people for time. . ( for mortal) they live and they die leaving their memory and some PAIN behind. Some strive for more than just that but still, The inspiration to do so comes from that Mortal experience he or she or it had with someone. Be it Love, Hate, Betrayal. This chapter was filled with that experience. . . . It was his decision to Hurt her feeling despite her being so Kind and Defendant of him being a Weak guy, she truly cared for him from her heart and still he Chose to do that to her. She found happiness for moment in life and remembered him by naming her children after his Name. That's Love he kicked but she loved her husband too for her to cry on his grave but still reminiscent about her old friend who hurt her and PUSHED away by his choice. That's hard to find. But that didn't sit well for him LoL. Although this Past history has more inclination towards him achieving something out of their relationship but he was and is still an arrogant bit**. That's makes a character development. Let's see in future if he still continues to be in series. He abandoned her that's what i got from this and than abandoned her again at Her Elderly age ( he is young, still didn't care to say hello for old times sake and f*** off again) to become immortal. Cause he cultivated some. This is the best example of douch stark contrast to MC. Although he is hoping for next life to be with her, don't think it works like that 🤣
HeartNMind - 1724229656
He gonna get Blo#@@d out from Everywhere ⬅➡⬆⬇↗↘↙↖ 🤣
HeartNMind - 1724228329
That was Awesome👍
HeartNMind - 1724227862
It was Fastesr 🚴三 Story telling to kbiut 😂
HeartNMind - 1724208463
We personally I like this to read for a moment after Chapter. . .
HeartNMind - 1724207596
One has his own Style. Different manhua different skills and habits. This has Sword collection, nano has Hand Or rather whole elbow 💪 collection, one must remember to collect something 🤣
HeartNMind HeartNMind - 1724206798
Although s*x must have felt pretty good after 200+ years 😂 and it's first 🥇