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Spectre - 4 months ago
I want to smack the stupid out of her, but I'm afraid there'd be nothing left. She seems to be going out of her way to make everything more difficult because she wants to do everything on her own. Heaven forbid she use her words.
Spectre - 4 months ago
Can do without all the woah as me self pity. All your men have confessed to loving you more, even without your sight, the leopard God told you you've already moved the story so far off script, then you got your sight back. Newcomer doesn't even want Eus. So spare us a season of miscommunication and moping.
Spectre - 4 months ago
This plotline is exhausting
Spectre - 4 months ago
"We were just..."Being immature, childish, assholes."It's okay I'm used to it""How dare he! Nasty fox!"Has been dealing with this bullshit from these immature, childish, assholes since he was a child.
Spectre axelaction22 - 4 months ago
Atel is a member of the royal family
Spectre - 4 months ago
I am underwhelmed by this side quest and the art is meh. It feels like the regular author and artist took a vacation and let someone fill in.
Spectre - 5 months ago
She's even more delusional than usual if she thinks Viese will be head of the family, let alone his daughter. Lorraine becoming head of Lombardi works against her plans because she's planning on them getting married soonish, which would make Lorraine the Crown Princess and no longer a Lombardi therefore unable to inherent the title.
Spectre - 5 months ago
This is one of the best chapters in a while. Someone who saw what was actually happening and did something about it without needing 40 plot twists or fucking 500 people over.
Spectre - 5 months ago
You knew she was innocent, you knew she did nothing against you, all your problems were your own but you took them out on her. She asked for nothing but a divorce and you imprisoned her. She doesn't hate you, but she resents you.How can you atone for this? By leaving her the fuck alone. Sign the divorce papers, eliminate any problems her family may cause her, and never make contact with her again you miserable piece of shit.
Spectre - 6 months ago
The number of times I've dropped this because of the ridiculousness of everyone either being too dumb to recognize a human or to tell Skelly it's not a cat. I know it's supposed to be cute and all, but for as much as they are pushing this clingy parent trope, the fucks given about Nabi's human family is nil.
Spectre - 6 months ago
Asking about Nabi's human parents feels 140 chapters too late, but well done Isabele. Better late than never I guess.
Spectre - 6 months ago
You're just now realizing you should have killed him? You act oh so smart and high and mighty, running 80 schemes inside of of schemes, but this one decision makes you the biggest idiot of the story. You had one job: make sure Lawrence didn't become Emperor. The easiest way to do that: end him. Half this story has been complicated nonsense when it didn't need to be.
Spectre User-2898659681 - 7 months ago
Then don't. Just unsubscribe and it goes away.
Spectre - 7 months ago
Why is everyone acting like the man just keeled over from unknown causes? For more than half this story someone has been whining at the Emperor about how bad his health is, and that he should take better care of himself, do this or don't do that. Most of the plot has been about finding him a suitable heir because he's about to croak.
Spectre - 7 months ago
I wish I could find these over protective dads/brothers cute, but they always come across as possessive and obsessed in inappropriate ways. "She's mine! No She's mine! I kissed her first! I'll kill any man that looks at you!" So you're just going to lock her up at home so she can never meet anyone else and just take care of you for the rest of your life?
Spectre - 7 months ago
Pikachu! I choose you!
Spectre - 7 months ago
It will only hurt a little if you've done this before, if not 🤷‍♀️. You don't know it's not supposed to be dry and feel like being ripped up the middle. .Who needs foreplay when I have my magic dick!
Spectre - 7 months ago
Harsh words? What kind of man do you think I am?An asshole? Arrogant? Self centered? Demanding? Rude? And those are just what she's seen and felt.And stopping is always on the table. Unless you'd like to be described in far worse terms than a rude, arrogant, self-centered, asshole.
Spectre - 7 months ago
She has some short-term memory issues. The Duke quite bluntly laid it out he wasn't interested in her or marriage and she agreed. Don't get all worked up when he doesn't want to play house with you.
Spectre - 7 months ago
I would have introduced you to my sister!Dude, do you even know all your sisters?