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Hentai Protag-downvote me
-1195 points
2132 Comment(s)
1619 Upvote(s)
No worries man i can see who's who, tho i dont really mind it that much, it's all for fun. Glad i can make your day a bit better.
I'm dead 💀(biologically speaking I am, in fact, alive. However, to emphasize how hilarious I found this, I made a hyperbolic statement saying that I was dead because it implies that I found this video so funny I ceased to live. However, I am indeed alive and well so there is no need for you all to worry. I was simply employing the tactic of figurative language in order to better and more effectively communicate my message. Additionally, using slang and sayings commonly employed by the youth has made my message more understandable and reachable by the younger generation, many of whom are in this chat. For example, I could have said "that video was a real knee slapper". This would have made sense to some of the older people in this chat as knee slapping used to be a sign of hilarity. However, in this digital age in which we now live, knee slapping is not as common and many of today's youth may not understand the reference. I therefore made my message more understandable to younger people through my use of simple, easily understood slang. I hope this clears everything up, and I appreciate any concern that I was actually dead. I can assure you I am alive and well.)
I see, i didnt really know what to do with the new comment system at first but when i saw you could reach negative i know i have to do it. Also there's another guy who's doing it as well.
Hold on sir, i have no idea what you are implying here but yeah i agree
I know its a hard choice buddy, but i assure you, downvoting would mean better to me
Let the pegging continue
Man, dont you hate it when your friends do tthat to you. As payback i fill them with cu
Zero's just a different font, and one is leaning sideways. But that is a fucking seven on 4 and that's an F next to it. 8 is 🔊, B is サ. E is rotated 8. F is seven again. And i'm pretty sure i saw G somewhere on electricity engineering thing. N is seven AGAIN
I see it everywhere, but here is the last place i expected it to appear