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So what is that lady made out of? We have seen manager kim break concrete pillars with his punches and then he punches her face 5 times to the point you can see it collapsed around his fist and then no damage other than a split lip? Also he grabs her by the back of the neck smashes her face into the ground and then she what teleports out of his grip into a tree?
Manager Kim is a beast, that makes Our giant commando buddy King Kong, and she ran right into his punch, she'd have to be cyborg just to live through that.
She's not just the student of Granny, she's also related to Sophia Alexander from Lookism. Valentina's not a wall of muscle like Sophia is, but I suppose durability must still run in the family
Deadmeat51501 in a trillion chance to EVER open 9 lotus petals, our guy does it not only the first time around but before actually entering the Limbo stage. Then just to flex his fate he opens 26 more petals.
the Last ArchmageNow, do I think this fight was stupid? Absolutely. All he did was put a target on his back. Like, you went from working in the shadows, and now they know you exist. What was the point of that? Especially when your target can strike so close to home. https://i.postimg.cc/fWc9Cm0D/i.gif
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