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roflmao noice!!! wonder where he used the money tho.... that money is, 100% sure, from beating the fk out of desperate teens... literally their blood, sweat, and tears...
betcha the quest was "the more money you own the bigger the reward" and he was like "That mean i can kick back with 20k won, waste it and kick the ass of a bully? man this system spoils me"
still cant used with that name, parents must be drunk
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BrianMcKnightTo be frank, it oftentimes takes a LONG time to overcome the psychological damage of being not just fat and unattractive but also being ridiculed and ostracized by your family and peers on the regular. Yuuya may have found good people to surround himself with, but he's only at the starting gate of healing his psyche, then has to rebuild him self-esteem before he can truly accept those words of praise.
PuckYou might have it easy. There's a certain city or area in a 3rd world country where murder and taking others belonging is a regular accourence. I should know, cause i live in those kind of country
jeremymdWho gets all jealous? Cause if you mean the FMC, that's cruel because she made the first move and hasn't stopped ever since the beginning. She doesn't deserve to be toyed with like that even unintentionally. Meanwhile, Torigue only makes her move when she realizes she's losing the MC.
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