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She really is selfish.. She didn't even think about her sister at all. Her father didn't think about her or her mother. Her mother didn't think about her kids.. That's one fucked up family of narcissists. I wonder about the little sister. She does gives of a bit of the same vibe, as shown when she killed the ant.
First time what? Down the darkness? No. I didn't say any of the above with emotion. It was just a plain statement of facts. I've seen darker shit, I've lived almost as dark. Attempted suicide as well. Life is gray, but selfish is selfish.
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100th Yi Feng CloneI won't be in the famous manga like jjk and one piece. I only read absolute trash and really good manhua and manhwa. I just end up commenting a lot
Xie YanPretty sure in the next round it only said like 2 million, because (unless they went back and fixed it) the numbers from the 1st and 2nd game were VASTLY different
si1fooalso a common misconception is the word bandit and barbarian. they were commonly used interchangeably. but some countries call literally every other foreign power they didn't consider there peer a barbarian state. like the chinese in there many dynasty's never consider anyone else a peer except the ancient roman empire. they referred to mongolian's for example as barbarian's
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