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  • P
    We seems like found the first proper heroine.
    • D
      2 years ago
      you know what this made me realize two things that make me appreciate the author more than before.
      firstly, in most cases with this kind of trope kinosaki here would obviously be a woman and would they become some kind of backup plan for the author in case things go south, they just make kinosaki as the final heroine. but here,,,, kinosaki is a man... its like a one way trip. author cant use kinosaki as a backup plan coz mc finding a woman is required for the plot to finish.. its part of the stake, author cant just revert and make kinosaki as the final heroine

      secondly.. goddamnit. normally if that was all there is... there is no suspension for the reader to feel coz we would know this would end in mc find his woman.... but author purposefully introduced a lesbi character which is mc's sister. author open up the possibility that this might end up in a gay route. at the cost of the character's stake. everything is possible and make us, me atleast keep second guessing how this would end.
      • e
        e r s e cDarkun2
        2 years ago
        Never agreed with someone this better
      • E
        Erin TesdenPachanWe seems like found the first proper heroine.
        2 years ago
        What do you men? This is the second.
        First heroine has been there since the first chapter.
      • U
        2 years ago

        • d
          2 years ago
          gero made a face like oden.

          • M
            Mata Nekodemonslender
            2 years ago
            and whitebeard. It is actually Whitebeard who did that first, and Oden copied him.
          • R
            Why this manga totally remind me of sakamoto days???
            • L
              Legin Yrrep
              2 years ago
              oh god he loves horrible puns.

              I already know who I'm rooting for now.
              • T
                TWBLSLegin Yrrep
                1 year ago
                We all gotta root for him, haven’t heard something that good, yet that bad when a friend made a cold shoulder joke to another friend icing his shoulder.
              • 999+ points6 months ago

                • K
                  Kira D. Fox
                  2 years ago
                  • ✟JEEBUS CRISTO✟
                    2 years ago
                    Gero-kun for someone whos super cool....your fit is absolutely trash bruh
                    • L
                      Lolicon YouTuber Aki
                      2 years ago
                      My charm is being lazy
                      • H
                        Hello Hey
                        2 years ago
                        holy shit i was actually right about his charm lmao I thought it was gonna be smth else like how he can still see some of the good in people despite their professions or appearance
                        Latest Comments
                        Chingaruna OK, I know that not EVERYBDOY is a fan of this series because of the revenge but for me, I think this is going to be my favorite alongside others because I personally read the original source along with it. The one fun way to actually read the series is reading the manga ALONGSIDE the source material such as Web Novel AND Light Novel. Only that way, you can actually enjoy the thrill and witnessing the villains get their own karma.

                        So, here is Light's Streak Records according to the Manga via some recap.

                        LIGHT'S INFAMOUS STREAK (MANGA, As Current)
                        1-0 Garuu and Gang (with Mei & Founder Fenrir)
                        2-0 Kaito of the Adventurer Killer Duo
                        3-0 Sasha and Michael Of the White Knights (Nazuha and 4 LVL7777 Floor Bosses fought others and won. 1-0 each. )
                        4-0 Yude of his Adventure Group
                        5-0 Shion and Soul Dragon
                        6-0 Mythology Class Snake Weapon (Him being the one who finished it to save Nazuha from it's final attack. Speaking off, sharing Nazuha’s own 2-0)
                        7-0 Nano (First Fight)
                        8-0 Kavaa
                        9-0 Nano (Rematch and final round)
                        10-0 Chaos (The only Friendly Sparing)
                        11-0 Twin Blood Magatama Slime Monster, with both Gamm and Lebard (With Chaos)

                        As in this writing, the WN sees Team Abyss (Light and 4 LVL9999) are now facing what's left of the Masters in a undersea dungeon after foiling their escape. Not without knowing that "C's" true identity is revealed to be...somebody who is obsessed with "following the scenario", with Light's win streak record is 15-0. The LN version, on the other hand, saw the Demon Kingdom's fall from grace because Light and co. able to defeat the three remaining Masters as well as making Volos and Diablo pay for their crimes, extending Light's Win Streak to 20-0. Next arc maybe focusing on Center/Zantor and the Centaurs

                        My Gift LVL 9999 Unlimited Gacha · 1 minute ago

                        User-4239154861 Cat Distribution system is getting crazier day by day
                        Car distribution

                        Chapter 151 - Swordmaster’s Youngest Son · 1 minute ago

                        ForbiddenKnights2 Peak comes back for more.
                        This was great while it lasted!

                        Chapter 23.5 - Yomega Kiss · 3 minutes ago

                        Victor RE Very good manga
                        I hope it will be animated with good studio
                        It will be next popular anime

                        IMO it is more or less has similarities with bleach
                        Except the harem thing

                        Nue's Exorcist · 8 minutes ago

                        MBtrix I love and hate how toxic internet can be

                        Chapter 52 - Genius Archer’s Streaming · 8 minutes ago

                        Blazzer Well shit, didn't expect that

                        Chapter 115 - Estio · 10 minutes ago

                        Victor RE He will powerup everytime he had someone to protect, so
                        First he needs friend
                        And then girlfriend
                        What next? Have a family? Making baby?

                        Good series
                        It has so much similarities with bleach
                        But still it is best at their own way

                        Chapter 90 - Nue's Exorcist · 10 minutes ago

                        Thomas_JCG Sure, to us. But to them that live in a world with monsters and demons, that doesn't seem like the worst thing to exist. Also, Asuka can use Vis so there was no reason he couldn't kill it with a sword like Helmut did. Doggy boy pretty much just folded after seeing an overgrown bug.

                        Chapter 83 - Helmut: The Forsaken Child · 13 minutes ago

                        Hate it's a saint's power aka holy magic aka only mc can use it and i don't think mc red a healing spell book before

                        Chapter 70 - Douyara Watashi No Karada Wa Kanzen Muteki No You Desu Ne · 15 minutes ago

                        Ashlinn So, is this something that's been hinted at before or are we being fr right now 😐

                        Chapter 111 - Estio · 17 minutes ago


                        Chapter 142 - Actually, I Was the Real One · 17 minutes ago

                        Victor RE Now he is ready to have harem at any moment

                        Chapter 89 - Nue's Exorcist · 18 minutes ago

                        Like Toaster

                        Chapter 186 - Dandadan · 19 minutes ago

                        ThatOneGuy I mean, time went back.. he didn't know he had him in the first place.

                        Chapter 90 - The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 · 19 minutes ago

                        Drsassy Wake em up! Time to fix this mess

                        Chapter 124 - Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun · 23 minutes ago

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