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  • 999+ points2 months ago

    • T
      999+ points2 months ago
      The last cool thing he did in this series was help her make her movie. That was 200 chapters ago. Since then, it's been nothing but cooming in swimming pools, mental breakdowns, chronic masturbation, and leering at every cell in her body. He's the least cool person in the universe.
      • 83
        So, he is the typical young man in his twenties. Generally, how just about every man about that age is. It seems that when someone gets about that age they lose that drive to do anything spectacular.
    • kinda happy that chizuru is being more honest and more happy around kazuya. PROGRESS!!!!. cant wait for another 5546491 chapters to see more progress.
      • 999+ points2 months ago
        Great now maybe he has some confidence that his inner monologue will be confident now

        The only thing that has been very consistent since the beginning is his admiration for Chizuru is real
      • Now call her Chizuru.
        • Too late Kazuya, the last cool thing you did was 200 chapters ago
        • So, I thought it would be wise to wait 20 weeks and read all the chapters from 340 on in one go to get some progress...

          Wow, he's so cool this chapter - can't wait for him to daydream about Mizuhara's body and how she's so nice, and how he's so pathetic, and how he's worried the date will be a bust, oh but he's checking out Chizuru's bust, but wait! What about his worry of having sex?!? That's something that's on his mind!
          • K
            i'm telling u all! this is going to end in 500 chapters!
            • 83
              999+ points2 months ago
              No. I believe it will be only 400. No one could stretch it out that long. Though they might continue it with some other name after that. Like, My Real Girlfriend is a Rental Girlfriend. Then later, My wife is a Rental Girlfriend. But by that time, I doubt she will want to still be a rental girlfriend.
            • L

              Is this really possible?
              Sorry I'm more interested in this panel only
              • B
                BreadLord KazuTrash
                999+ points2 months ago
                Yes it is
                • ArchangelLord KazuTrash Is this really possible? Sorry I'm more interested in this panel only
                  999+ points2 months ago
                  yes, its called the frog stand. search up calisthenics.
                • 999+ points2 months ago
                  I'ma say it, we need a new MC, cuz chizuru is WAAAAT too wasted on this cuck
                  • Yes, Kazuya finally said the quiet part out loud—he wants Mizuhara to think he's cool. And having her acknowledge that? It’s a big deal. Honestly, a simple conversation could clear up all these misunderstandings, but since we're finally making progress, I’m just happy my boy finally got to hear some recognition. Like, we know Mizuhara thinks highly of him, and I’m glad he’s finally able to hear that. Hopefully, the tension he's been carrying these past few chapters will ease up, and he can truly enjoy his time with Mizuhara. Because, despite everything, the date is going well for him, and I couldn’t be prouder.

                    Overall, this was a really good chapter. Mizuhara has a way of putting Kazuya's mind at ease without knowing the full extent of his insecurities, so I’m glad she said what she said. This was a great step forward for her and Kazuya.
                    • Abd senpaithe Last Archmage
                      358 points2 months ago
                      bro , why you always make it sound so possitive , truth is ,kazuha is trash and it seems like author have no interest in fixing his personality even after 361 chaps
                      • ArchangelAbd senpai
                        999+ points2 months ago
                        by now kazuya shoud be way more open and close to chizuhara, but the author is a piece of trash and he does not want the characters to bond even after all that happened. the author is the one who should take the complete blame instead of kazuya.
                        • JeyEmAbd senpaibro , why you always make it sound so possitive , truth is ,kazuha is trash and it seems like author...
                          999+ points2 months ago
                          By the look of his comment, he's "that" kind of person. The majority of us are just shitting on rent a shit, while others are glazing on it. I remember looking on the subreddit of rent a shit, and there's a lot of "that" kind of people there. If you shit (criticize) on it, you'll get negative downvotes lmao.

                          But maybe he's just someone who've gone crazy bcz of rent a shit and forced himself to comment good things cuz tired on shitting on it 😂

                          On the other hand, it might be made by an AI or something. Bro's fkin too formal
                          • 999+ points2 months ago
                            Nah, I've seen his stuff on Someone's Girlfriend, he's not an AI.

                            He seems to not grasp that story too much, but he's legit.
                            • JeyEmNeurofez
                              999+ points2 months ago
                              I see. Then he's "that" kind of guy. Seems like he's coping too much on every comments he made here.
                            • the Last ArchmageJeyEmBy the look of his comment, he's "that" kind of person. The majority of us are just shitting on rent...
                              999+ points2 months ago
                              Wow, so I'm positive, and that makes me AI? Is that really the logic you're going with here? What's funny is that you mentioned on Reddit how you're genuinely shocked that people enjoy the series, and when you post a negative comment, they downvote you. So you're mad at them for not agreeing with you? That’s sad—no, honestly, that’s pathetic. It’s okay to disagree and not like something, but being shocked that someone else enjoys something you hate only makes you look foolish.

                              • JeyEmthe Last Archmage
                                999+ points2 months ago
                                I never said that you look like an AI because you're positive lmao. I said that you're fkin too formal. As in too formal for something like this. Foolish it is, at least I don't fkin write long ass shit every goddamn time for a shit series. Good for you tho. I looked at your different comments you've made on this series, and it looks like a massive coping shit.

                                Anyways, we're all good. I'm just fkin tired of this manga. At this point, I'm just skimming through the chapter everytime there's a new one out. I'm just here to find out when is this going to end and what tf is the ending.
                                • What is up with the self-projecting here? Let me get this straight—you’re mad that I write long comments? Why wouldn’t I speak on something I enjoy? That logic doesn’t make sense. Then you say I’m “coping”? What exactly is there to cope with? Just because you dislike Rent-a-Girlfriend doesn’t mean I should too.

                                  If I find a chapter enjoyable, I’m going to talk about it. Didn’t know that was an issue. It’s almost like it hurts your soul to realize that people actually enjoy a series you constantly shit on. If you don’t like it, fine. Who cares? But why are you so pressed when I make a positive comment about something I enjoy?
                                  • JeyEmthe Last Archmage
                                    999+ points2 months ago
                                    Just like u said, who cares? U don't have to be that defensive. I just like shitting on this, the same as how the author milking this shit.

                                    I just find it odd for u to comment long ass essay on a pirate website like this. Someone might actually hear u out on official one lmao
                                    • Again, it sounds like you're projecting. If you have an issue with reading long comments, that's your problem, not mine. You accuse me of coping, but I'm confused—what exactly am I coping about? It seems like you're struggling to accept that others can enjoy a series you dislike. That’s an issue within yourself, not with me.

                                      Let’s not forget, this started because you commented under my post, upset that I'm positive about a series I enjoy. Meanwhile, all you've shown is your dislike for the series and frustration over my long comments. Then you complain about Reddit, the people who enjoy the series, and downvotes on your negative comments.

                                      All of these issues stem from within you. So, why are you projecting so much? No one cares if you hate the series—go ahead, dislike it, criticize the characters, do whatever you want. That doesn’t stop me from being positive about something I enjoy.
                            • the Last ArchmageAbd senpaibro , why you always make it sound so possitive , truth is ,kazuha is trash and it seems like author...
                              999+ points2 months ago
                              What's wrong with me being positive? Am I supposed to hate Kazuya just because you do? I can’t think he’s a great character because you dislike him? That doesn’t make any sense.
                              • Archangelthe Last Archmage
                                999+ points2 months ago
                                theres a thing about being positive, which I appreciate, but I feel like you are being unnecessarily overly positive. tbh I feel like you are coping massively. a lot of what you say in your comments, I kinda agree with, though not all, but you make it seem like as if this is actually a great manga, when its not. this is by far one of the worst writing in a "romance" manga I've read. I do not blame the characters, but I completely blame the author.
                                • 999+ points2 months ago
                                  To further disprove your point, notice how you say, 'you make it seem like this is an actual great manga when it's not.' That’s your opinion, and you’ve even called it one of the worst-written romance mangas you’ve ever read. See how you focus on your perspective while trying to invalidate mine, even though I genuinely enjoy the series? You’re only thinking about your own opinion, so because you hate it, you think I should hate it too. That’s self-projecting, and honestly, it’s not a good look.
                                • the Last ArchmageArchangeltheres a thing about being positive, which I appreciate, but I feel like you are being unnecessarily...
                                  999+ points2 months ago
                                  I think you're self-projecting if you believe I'm massively coping—whatever that even means. I can be positive about the series because I genuinely love it. I can also appreciate Kazuya as a great main character while still acknowledging his flaws. There's nothing wrong with that. If you feel there are problems with Kazuya, that's your perspective, not mine. Placing your dislike for the character onto me still doesn’t make sense.
                                  • Archangelthe Last Archmage
                                    999+ points2 months ago
                                    you can clean and polish a piece of turd as much as you'd like, its still a turd

                                    btw I do not hate the characters, I just think that the writing and pacing of this mange is HORRIBLE.
                                    • c
                                      Hey we are all still here reading.
                                      • Archangelcake_at_a_funeral
                                        999+ points2 months ago
                                        still waiting for progress, like I said, I still look forward to read more and see where this story goes. Am in too deep to quit now.
                                      • the Last ArchmageArchangelyou can clean and polish a piece of turd as much as you'd like, its still a turd btw I do not hate ...
                                        999+ points2 months ago
                                        You know, calling a character a turd and then saying, 'I don't really hate the characters, I just think the writing and pacing are horrible,' is, again, just your opinion. I don’t feel the same way. Sure, I agree that the pacing has its issues, and there are certain aspects of the manga I do agree or disagree with—I’ve been vocal about that before. But that doesn’t change the fact that I can still be positive about the series, while you, on the other hand, may hate it.
                                        • Archangelthe Last Archmage
                                          999+ points2 months ago
                                          No I am not calling a character a turd, am calling this manga, or more like the author.

                                          I actually still look forward to see some actual progress and more romantical bond between my boy kazuya and chizuhara. I do not exactly hate this manga, I am just disappointed.
                              • L
                                Lord KazuTrashthe Last ArchmageYes, Kazuya finally said the quiet part out loud—he wants Mizuhara to think he's cool. And having he...
                                999+ points2 months ago
                                "Well, I don't really like our MC's lack of confidence. But I agree with you. We rarely hear what Mizuhara thinks about him. Compared to many romance manga, you can easily tell if the heroine has feelings for the MC.
                                It's my personal opinion though
                                • Neurofezthe Last ArchmageYes, Kazuya finally said the quiet part out loud—he wants Mizuhara to think he's cool. And having he...
                                  999+ points2 months ago
                                  Now if only he actually acknowledged her with her real name, Ichinose instead of her fake Mizuhara name.

                                  I admire your optimism here but let's be fair, for every chapter where Kazuya does something cool, we're going to have another five-ten chapters of him either:

                                  A. Glazing her and talking about how cute/hot she is like she's a piece of meat.
                                  B. Crying about how he's so pathetic.

                                  This story should not be paced this way. It took us forever to reach Joypolis, probably going to take us another ten more to get through it at the same pace.

                                  MOST Romcoms have already gotten past a date like this in two-three chapters at most.
                                  • Well, you know, for the most part, you're not wrong. I mean, Kazuya does gush over her and talk about how cute she is, almost like she's a piece of meat. On the other hand, Mizuhara wants to be ogled by Kazuya. There’s a strong sexual attraction there, but she’s also too emotionally inept to admit it. So, you’re not lying—we are definitely going to get more of those chapters because that’s just who Reiji is as a writer. Considering that Rent-A-Girlfriend became the number one romance manga on K-Manga last year and remains a big hit in Japan, it’s clear that milking the series for all it’s worth is his top priority.

                                    As far as the pacing goes, you and I talked about this last week, and we both agreed that it could definitely be better. That said, here we are—we’re still going to keep reading these chapters until the series is finished. Even though I disagree with some aspects, like the pacing, I don’t let that overshadow the fact that I genuinely enjoy this series for what it is. It doesn’t have to be a top-rated manga, but the fact that it’s made it this far, despite its shortcomings, shows that it’s still making waves. And that’s something I can respect.
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                                User-2290663159 talk all you want Kenshin , my man is going to put yo cocky ass in his triangle sooner or later

                                Chapter 146 - Red Blue · 17 seconds ago

                                Shadow That's too normal an ending for this series

                                Chapter 58 - Someone's Girlfriend · 2 minutes ago

                                CRAZY CRAYON Someone tried to hurt her man, now she mad

                                Chapter 14 - Absolute Necromancer · 2 minutes ago

                                Neurofez Yeah, this series isn't worth it as a binge either because 90% of the chapter is just him simping over her (or whatever girl) or him having some sort of dumb panic attack in his head, imagining her with some guy.

                                Like, plenty of other harem romcoms fill their pages with more content than this. They actually have a story or a scenario.

                                If those series had an "arc" like this - it would tell the entire date in one, two chapters tops.

                                Chapter 370 - Kanojo, Okarishimasu · 3 minutes ago

                                [-_-] Interesting
                                He now will place right full owner back , search for gramps , and kill remaining blue heaven and get lightning power , but will six saber clan will settle?
                                Gramps can weaken them and young master of ice clan can take the lead but 3 story at 1 time

                                Chapter 252 - Nano Machine · 6 minutes ago

                                Neurofez It would only be not much of a slog if its below the 250 chapter mark.

                                Nisekoi, a series that was considered by many to be the "Rent A Girlfriend" of its time, ENDED below the 230 mark.

                                BokuBen, ended below 190 chapters, giving each heroine an ending at that.

                                Quintessential Quintuplets, ended just below 125 chapters.

                                Only Harem, and it's hard to call it that at times, that exceeds Kanajo is Hayate no Gotoku, at over 550 chapters, and I don't recommend anyone binging that because its clear that it didn't care about the harem or the rom part of romcom and instead focused more on the comedy.

                                Fact is, the story can seriously be trimmed down if we didn't have things like the past couple of chapters having Kazuya constantly simp over Chizuru 90% of the chapter.

                                Chapter 370 - Kanojo, Okarishimasu · 6 minutes ago

                                Zen Yea broo

                                Also rip to that orc’a glasses that was like his whole identity

                                Chapter 57.2 - Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san · 11 minutes ago

                                Neurofez This one didn't blow up?

                                Pretty sure it did. Granted, it blew up back when it started, which is why Hayate went on for basically a decade.

                                The only reason Tonikawa blew up as it did was likely because it was so different from Hayate, and well... It was newer.

                                Hayate no Gotoku! · 12 minutes ago

                                SimulatedGrowth I wonder if they switched souls or something

                                Chapter 8 - Gal Can’t Be Kind to Otaku!? · 12 minutes ago

                                Anakin Skywalker HOLY SHIT USOPP WAS SOGEKING!?!

                                Chapter 426 - One Piece · 14 minutes ago

                                Gakuku What is that?
                                It's a bird!
                                It's a plane!
                                No! It's the MC.

                                Chapter 145 - Path of the Shaman · 19 minutes ago

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