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It is scientificly possible that our universe will continue the cycle of birth and death forever thus with enough time as long as it is infinite, you will continue to be born against your will and relive through your life experiences forever. So, rather than complaining about it, try to live a fulfilling life
PlotArmor (Aka FY simp)Just a MudaMan with RoadRoller
Quantum fluctuations, temporary appearance of energetic particles out of nothing. This phenomenon, could allow a universe to spontaneously form from nothing given enough time
Just a MudaMan with RoadRollerPlotArmor (Aka FY simp)How is it scientifically impossible?
but damm i used to beat up bullies back in primary and secondary school.... we and my friends actually, i was sort of the leader and when we see bullies beating the sht outta some kids for money or other belongings after schoool we and my team would wait for the guy at an alley and beat the living hell outta them. Some of the mfs ended up joining the bully-beat-up group too
TowerBreakerThis is the most realistic medieval scenarios so far. Unlike the female mc's with a lot of plot armors and much stronger than men. This shows how realistic female mc's should be.
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