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It was possible after all. Aura porn, who could have seen it coming? I did not. But with 2024 it came to us. No one would even dream of auras boning eachother but these madmen did it. 2024 is aura porn year. It will come for all of us
Has the old king been playing the part of a pawn until he could make a decisive attack on his enemies by using Eren?!? Nobody expected this turn of events! I hope this twist is as good as it looks so far!
So he had been controlled by other force, probably MC's previous commander. The dude who can create vampire. And didn't breaking free ever since, until he met MC.
It also imply that the 'evil' side has means to control powerful character, and MC is definitely not immune to it.
anhedoniais it just me? i feel like he doesnt look different at all lmao the only thing i can tell for sure is that hes not wearing his glasses anymore and doesnt have dark circles under his eyes
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