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Though sadly, no one is welcome in Heaven who is a sinner; all of us sin, we violate the Ten Commandments and all that they imply, and we possess the original sin from Adam. Only those who trust in Jesus Christ as the Son of God will make it to Heaven. Jesus bears the sins of those who trust in Him.
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User-MjoulaidYoichi is grade A boyfriend stealer huh
Name WithheldWell, I read 2 but I wasn't in the mood for a juvenile rom-com that wasn't funny. Maybe I was being harsh, but try it for yourself; just know that it's clearly not aimed at adults, even if seinen supposedly means 18+.
UsamaYup, 100% agreed. Loved that series. Maybe the art won't be to the liking of some people, but personally, I found it well-matched with the story. Not to mention, the story had such a good potential, and it was developing at a good pace too. Anyway, a shame indeed!
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