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ArbozaliyanI never read names of places nor people. They make little sense to me. I kinda understand jap names due to mother tongue being in the same language family but korean and chinese are impossible for me.
HateMeO know this shit is old but here is my take:
He's a prophet who has seen the future and knows eugene is destined to destroy the evil, BUT only if he has the resolve and determination, and if he had the peaceful start he had as suppose he wouldn't been able to achieve that goal. His fate is to die a dogs death, Revenge is something he'd adquire along the way, maybe he knows more about the first mage and the abyss, something that neither the abyss worshippers nor the faith understands.
Mohg Lord of Blood-kundear god I'm getting so fed up with people calling Amatella a minor, did they miss the part where she says she's 19? And even if you think an age gap is weird, at the end of the day it's no one else's damn business besides the people in question, so annoying.
Anyways, kudo's to the MC for finally having a pair.
Lorenzo DitrolioI will say this again; do not, under any circumstances try something like this. I personally don’t get the idea of stealing someone’s lover. That said I get the psychology behind it, Yuki is at her wits end due to a lack of purpose, so she reaching out for any semblance of worth.
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