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JeyEmI never said that you look like an AI because you're positive lmao. I said that you're fkin too formal. As in too formal. Foolish it is, at least I don't fkin write long ass shit every goddamn time for a shit series. Good for you tho
mfblackhentaiguyLemme guess, the ancestor hall is gonna BOOOOOM!!! and all those ashes and whatever sht the dead left is gonna get flushed down some sewer
User-CosmiconautI mean, it's not gonna be a surprise that she's dying a lot earlier than MC, but I'm curious how the author is gonna handle their romance
KE3ZYWhy are those people reprimanding him when they were ten days late? Not only that, they also stole the last kill when Brett was about to deal the last blow to the demon. Jerks!!
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