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Rachel is such a hypocrite she has also failed her mission and orders too is not only eugene! Then there's a second annoying bitch beside rachel! 🤬 I was worried they were gonna use this method to trick the mom and then they did! now I'm wondering how's he gonna resolve this! He screwed up big time!
You forgot all of them are actually raised by that son of a bitch priest, Rachel probably disobeyed his order once in the past and that's where her forehead old wounds came from, the true fucking bitch is actually that old fart.. if only rachel and every kids didn't get through brainwash by him, they'll sure be a good kids/persons, alas... This is what they've become, parents really influence their kids personality and life.
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Neko Majin CThe black knight was Karen all along? Oh my gosh. I cannot believe it. It is very hard to convey sarcasm in text.
anhedoniais it just me? i feel like he doesnt look different at all lmao the only thing i can tell for sure is that hes not wearing his glasses anymore and doesnt have dark circles under his eyes
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