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Same the story doesn't make much sense and the pacing is really weird. It'd been ideal if we could see more of what the main character was thinking, and they outlined their short term goals more clearly.
short term goal: The Great Demon (last called to the world 600 years ago) Belial enjoys fucking with people's faith. Unfortunately he needs the sacrifices of living beings to regain his power Mid term goal: Sit on the throne as per agreement Long term goal: Get strong enough to contest the "holy one"
Best way to get strong quickly: Manipulate massacres to happen
Truthful_OneThey never gave a clue how she got this watch, I hope this doesn't turn out to be some "Schrödinger's cat" BS where herself from a parallel existence is the root of the issue. The way the stalker guy likes her, the way he's going after the MC like he knows him on a deep level, and the way it's so personal because they initially were going for him to be suicidal makes me wonder about this as a possibility. She's an orphan, not a scientist, and somehow she ends with this watch makes me wonder if her counterpart is a genius in the parallel existence providing her the watch to do her part of this problem "solving"? I'll admit at this time I'm more interested in how she got this watch vs her even fixing this timeline.
Neostormyeah but most of his series are rushed, because his last big series aposim was canceled and the end was so lightning fast nothing got resolved and everything got skiped
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