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Tbh the entire backstory was unnecessary. I get its axed but it should've just ended itself quickly. We didn't need to waste all these chapters on this.
after like a year and a half of it being dead, author wanted to give this one and ending. I respect that. its kind of a faster mediocre ending. After learning about her crazy backstory the solution is she just forgives-ish her parents and loses her powers? Its kinda dumb that she just loses her powers in the first place with the mystique that was built up. but worse is that we dont see ANY more of the relationship between the too grow he just slaps the life saving bandaid on and it ends.... is it too greedy to have wanted them to have a heart to heart? to say that im choosing you despite the bullshit/ regardless of my future vision? or even for them to actually Kiss at the end? i know he had the ring tm, but that was one panel at the end of the whole thing. totally rushed but at least it got an ending? ah well good ride
It isnt the end? damn thats good shit. I want to see more of these two
O MatiusNo comments? I'll be the first then pointing the interesting points for me of this chap: 1. It seems that our lone wolf Gu Feiyang wasn't that lonely at all (or it seems that way for me) 2. A "telepathy" technique? very useful (or is the ability like speaking in a higher hertz?) 3. Feiyang (Yungxiao) massacred all of those assholes LMAO
Truthful_OneThey never gave a clue how she got this watch, I hope this doesn't turn out to be some "Schrödinger's cat" BS where herself from a parallel existence is the root of the issue. The way the stalker guy likes her, the way he's going after the MC like he knows him on a deep level, and the way it's so personal because they initially were going for him to be suicidal makes me wonder about this as a possibility. She's an orphan, not a scientist, and somehow she ends with this watch makes me wonder if her counterpart is a genius in the parallel existence providing her the watch to do her part of this problem "solving"? I'll admit at this time I'm more interested in how she got this watch vs her even fixing this timeline.
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