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I don't even bother reading that shit anymore... I just browse to... the author is ridiculously pulling the same shit again and again and again... I knew this was coming
I can't even be surprised with how many times I thought the fight was over and it didn't happen I was forgetting the fight is never over until it's over
If Mashiba didn't win, then what else is needed? He had the determination to be a monster. Or is now suddenly uno reversal and he lost cause he gave up being a monster
AnonymooseTo put it simply, for those who seem unable to comprehend how a gay person could hate gay people and later change their mind, lemme explain:
When someone has been taught by family that a certain demographic is bad, disgusting, etc., and then at some point—either consciously or subconsciously—they realize they fall into said demographic, often they end up with self-hate or attemted deflection.
Basically, "I'm not gay! I'll make sure no one thinks I'm gay by hating gay people!"
This, ironically enough, can lead people to join hate groups and go to extreme lengths to deny it. Being gay ain't a learned thing (at least not entirely), and there isn't really a way to "turn it off" besides meds that suppress ALL emotions, and steal the joy of living from even the most cheerful people. Such drugs have absurdly high suicide rates attached to them.
PepperLegs87I understand that plot-wise it makes sense for Taiyo to be fighting alone. But the excuse used is that the inside of the ship is affected by Dream, however, Aradne's web is impervious to dream so Kyoichiro should be able to walk in as well.
User-6203359859I'm actually a bit surprised I could read until now. Don't get me wrong, this is good stuff. I mean it feels more realistic than your average time traveling people story can be, plus it takes seriously the matter of integrating someone to society, both officially and socially. It however takes the point of view of Chinese citizen and its life intricacy and it sometimes get bit boring because of the wall of text you will get as MC explain things to FMC, especially early on. But once you get over that, it becomes really enjoyable.
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