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I think or believe she is so desperate because she got pregnant from that other guy and he dumped her when he found out. So, she has no choice but to go back to the MC. Knowing that he probably is dumb enough to marry her.
she got dumped, now she is just looking for an idiot that will get with her. She does not care, she just wants to use him. I fucking hate this.
Hell even if someone is willing to forgive a cheater, you can see why she is back - is it because she missed him? No, she literally just got dumped by other guy so she is here. (by the way don't get back with a cheater. Even if they change later in life, they never loved you so trying another relationship will not work and you will never really be able to trust them and it would be hell for both of you)
fake ass drama.
ArtarionUser-6734959883I think or believe she is so desperate because she got pregnant from that other guy and he dumped he...
For real. Most likely is what will happen and all the drama will pop up especially when the MC used a condom. At least he is smart in that regard. Always use protection. Protects you from STDs and thots. This way she can't pull the "This baby is yours" bullcrap.
MelonJakUser-6734959883I think or believe she is so desperate because she got pregnant from that other guy and he dumped he...
You really have a good prediction for the future, and that's sure is the most likely plot to happen if you have seen the last series from this author you know Sasuga-sensei love spicy drama....
He's so stupid! I can't believe Hiromi is gullible enough to forgive her after she left him for another guy. She's the reason he ended up in the share house, but none of that matters now. As long as she throw him some pussy, he’s willing to forgive everything?!
"Don't you want to get back together ? Don't you think what we had was special ?"
"Key word: 'had'. If you felt like what we had was special, why did you feel comfortable shitting over it ? If it was as special to you as it was to me, you should have been terrified of risking it. You weren't, so the reality is that you feel like you're settling, and don't really love me. Once I realized that, how could I ever feel like I'm special in your eyes again ?"
dude's pathetic. i hope this dude goes through with it, find out she is pregnant with someone else's baby, get depressed again like the idiot he is, then kill himself. That would be a fitting end to this manga.
What the hell just happened? He's forgiving her for betraying him for another guy and now he's dumped her, she's wants to go back together with him and he's okay with that? I think the last person who made me feel irritated like this was the mc RaG. If he doesn't solve this and he gets back together with her, I'll also drop this!!
bro... i haven't been so disappointed in a MC since trash-kun from RaG. giving him one more chapter to get his shit together but keeping my expectations low.
The MC is an Idiot! Thinking with his other head is the dumbest thing he could do. She is going to make his life miserable. I give it a week and she will either dump him again or cheat on him with someone else.
nah a week is too soon, she probably believes what she's telling him for now (at least partially) but will 100% cheat again, only this time they'll be married, she'll convince him he's at fault and he gave up a house full of hotties that like him for... this cheating B
Jarshansguizzobro... i haven't been so disappointed in a MC since trash-kun from RaG. giving him one more chapter ...
Ahh...i got break up with my ex so i know the mc feel thats why i like this manga...until this chapter WTF just happening ohh hell nahh its ruin did he just fxxk up with her again...let me fix ur head...OF COURSE WITH MY FIST!!
That bitch is definitely Prego like 100% she is begging him on her knees to get back together and not only that but marriage too? Mc is about to get played big time
And then this woman is going to say, 'So, about getting married, maybe we should soon.' What the hell does she mean by marriage, just one day after walking back into his life? And Hiromi is so fucking stupid he doesn’t see that as a red flag.
Name WithheldWell, I read 2 but I wasn't in the mood for a juvenile rom-com that wasn't funny. Maybe I was being harsh, but try it for yourself; just know that it's clearly not aimed at adults, even if seinen supposedly means 18+.
UsamaYup, 100% agreed. Loved that series. Maybe the art won't be to the liking of some people, but personally, I found it well-matched with the story. Not to mention, the story had such a good potential, and it was developing at a good pace too. Anyway, a shame indeed!
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