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maybe that or because its a game. you dont see call of duty snipers running and hiding everytime they take a shot, they jump from hights and do 360's. maybe this game is the same.
I thought he was going to win with his military training. He already turned off the auto-aim, ironically giving himself an edge that even NPCs comment on.
THe gun has bad accuracy. By making them run towards him in a straight line, it increases his accuracy since the target it moving towards him and not side to side. He already took into account the sh8t accuracy and the musket being loud af and smokey as hell.
DaBroEPGAHI thought he was going to win with his military training. He already turned off the auto-aim, ironic...
Discord threw a shoe and I am not interested enough to complain about this minor bug when whole threads disappear, that I complain to the tech support about. Go ahead and upvote this one...then watch as it doesn't "count" either!
ddanger 1580x ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈEPGAHI don't remember yelling to get your target's attention being military procedure...For a sniper or a...
He is actually wrinkly brain, figures he has to kill the rabbit for a quest, so why not get more bang for your buck and accept more quests for the same thing? Smart MC like this is sadly too rare nowadays...
Muskets aren't much of a sniper weapon? It's not like he's the guy from 'Last of the Mohicans' or 'The Patriot'. Wouldn't it be better to shoot at closer range til ya level up enough?
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