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I wish I could see the raw just to see the exact phrasing in Japanese. But I have a feeling it should be something along the line of "Just do what you CAN." Like, don't set your expectation too high, either on others or yourself and just do what's in front of you to the best of your current ability.
This is not the first time I have seen a scene from raws butchered. Like an incredibly emotional scene that is important for the story turns into a stilted conversation.
From what I’ve heard, a lot of translators aren’t native English speakers, so translations often end up like this.
Grammar quality is also going down because people—especially native English speakers—tend to mix up spoken and written language. For example, many people write "could of" instead of "could have" because they don’t get what "could've" is supposed to mean when spoken or heard. When you add in an over-reliance on AI and machine translation, often with little to no proofreading (which happens a lot), it really affects the quality of the work.
Speaking of which, I saw an NHK documentary about how Japanese manga publishers are trying to use AI to fight manga piracy. They’re hoping that by using the latest AI tech, they can get officially translated work out faster than the scanlators. It won’t stop piracy completely, but it might make more people choose the better-quality, official translations over the poorly translated pirated ones.
Midnight BluesLoLendoI did not get his piece of advice in the slightest
AnonymooseThe comments here bring me immense pain... is reading comprehension really that hard? Like, I know mine is high, and i vaguely remember how it was before my eyes were fixed, but is this that difficult?
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