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  • Yeah no this country is so fucking cooked its not even funny, and all because this girl can't keep it to herself
    • JmAsMaxwell4990
      999+ points4 months ago
      YEP! Typical royalty advisers and prophets who doomed their own kingdom! lmao
      • Y
        YA-HAMaxwell4990Yeah no this country is so fucking cooked its not even funny, and all because this girl can't keep i...
        999+ points4 months ago
        I think she's way too hardcore stubborn, loyalty, care and love for her king and would do anything in her power to protect and keep him safe, even if it meant to disobeyed his order.
        • 999+ points1 month ago
          Even if it meant getting her emperor killed with a self fulfilling prophesy.
      • 86
        King seems like a chill and reasonable dude by all accounts. Fuck this dumb cunt though. Fuck that Black Guard too for not slapping some sense into her.
        • Veemo NationUser-3973255386
          999+ points4 months ago
          I would agree but the fact that this many of his subjects are willing to blatantly disobey orders is also a fault of the king, even if not directly. His own son that he is mourning did exactly what he stated was bad, the murdering of his subjects, his other child wants petty revenge and the prophet along with the others she commanded all do not respect the king's authority enough to follow through with his orders.
          • M
            It's the equivalent to liking a cartel boss's demeanor because he attends parent-teacher meetings and donates to the local food bank. But that very same cartel commits murder and other atrocities behind the scenes.
            • 86
              User-3973255386Veemo NationI would agree but the fact that this many of his subjects are willing to blatantly disobey orders is...
              999+ points4 months ago
              True, he's grown a bit too detached from his rule and lets his subjects get away with too much autonomy. Needs to step in and put people back in line.
          • I want that Elstri beach to suffer 😡 Even getting rapéd by slum-dwellers on a daily basis is not enough 😡 Turn her into goblins/orcs baby-factory 😡
            • AnonymooseStray Pubic Hair
              999+ points1 day ago
              Nah, the gobbos and orcs shouldn't be stained by touching such filth.
            • 81
              This prophecy is personal because the one foreseeing it is the one causing it. Her misplaced loyalty is what kills the king and she doesn’t even realize it.
              • Y
                999+ points4 months ago
                And when that time has come she'll be far too late to realize what a grave fool she is.
                • D
                  999+ points4 months ago
                  Bold of you to assume she can even come to a realization. All I'm seeing now is a brick that was given the power of prophecy, not a person.
              • So a self fulfilling prophecy type story, I lowky love these kinds and I can already see at some point the king js outright killing the prophet lady when it’s too late and their fate is sealed cause of her stupidity
                • So the child is not the one who brought forth the kings death but the foolishness of the prophetess.

                  And as the saying goes “The more you try to avoid something, the more you create it”

                  -Emily Maroutian
                  • Y
                    I knew that hypocrite b*tch priestess have no attention to keep her word after all and her oath was a lie.... but what really shocked me, she even DARE to disobeyed the king's order to leave them alone.... That old man should've let Julian kill her....
                    • S
                      The audacity of this bitch, welp I'm happy she still such a fucking dumbass why? Cause know she is guaranteed to die and I'm all for her foolishness, come closer to death you stupid fucker, please I beg ya cunt
                      • Y
                        YA-HASamuel Foster
                        999+ points4 months ago
                        I like to see the look on her face when the prophecy has come and she will be too late to realize she own self the one create this sh*tty prophecy.
                    • 999+ points4 months ago
                      I very much look forward to Julian wiping Elstri off the face of the Earth.
                      • Y
                        YA-HAE P!
                        999+ points4 months ago
                        As much I too like to see that happen, but wouldn't it be much more interesting the King kill Elstri if he find out she disobeyed his order instead? I can imagine the look of her shock-face when she face the wrath of the king and teary beg for forgiveness.
                        • E P!YA-HA
                          999+ points4 months ago
                          That would also be interesting, kinda want to see it done by Julian directly though.

                          Either way, I don't entirely trust the king. He seems like he's fairly honest and he has a decent moral compass, but he already authorized Elstri to try to kill the baby once, and authorized Arkos of all people to handle it, and he has a bunch of corrupt court members and seemingly fails to realize that, or actively allows that. There's also the fact that he's an enigma whose face we can't see as of now. I'm sure there's a reason for that, but we don't yet know what that reason is.
                    • I
                      I think she doesn't understand that she's contributing to that prophecy
                    • I bet the king realized that since the MC cars for the child and is caring for it, and is also powerful enough to kill his son who inherited most of his power, he realized that the MC is only protecting the child and that the child or MC wont oppose the kingdom if they don't mess with the MC. I also bet the king is grieving the loss of his son and He probably doesn't want to talk to the idiot who helped lead his son to his death, so He just says "Don't pursue him anymore" and leaves to probably grieve his son. The king I believe is actually reasonable, and when the MC and King meet, and it will be after the profit lady sends all manners of fodder for the MC to kill, the king will say something along the lines of "I didn't mean for her to send people after you, If you can forgive our kingdom I will give you the prophet as long as you don't destroy our kingdom." to which the MC will agree. I will assume that the mc will have lost most of his lives by now and will be on his last few to which he will have to fight the kings daughter due to her wanting revenge for her brothers death or the maid that is looking after hers death and end up killing the MC which will lead to the child the MC is looking after wanting to take revenge.
                      • aha, should have kill her
                      • She's about to fulfill the prophecy at this rate
                      • A
                        Dude what do you think gonna happen if you kill the kid? MC gonna unleash hell on you. Just take the L and move on.

                        • Welp, here comes a whole bunch of idiots for Julian to stuff into Davy Jones' Lockers.
                          • Y
                            999+ points4 months ago
                            Dumb b*tch just signed death wishes for the goons, the princess, the king and along herself....
                            • 999+ points4 months ago
                              The King seems to at least has some sense about the situation. If only he has enough sense to rein in the crazy priestess...
                              • Y
                                999+ points4 months ago
                                Yup. But come to think of it. According from his late-son, the king used to be ruthless so kinda got me wonder what changed him? Unless the king just pretending being nice king, never know what's hiding behind his dark-shadow-faced. He's one real mysterious king.
                          • -so much effort spent turning a coop farming sim into team deathmatch

                            -I would've cried when I saw all the wasted food and dishes

                            -I tremble at the thought of angvall becoming some sorta death knight
                            • i think the reason the girl will end to banish from the map the kingdom is exactly cause this lady cant keep it in her pants long enough to let them in their own job till the future unfolds
                              • Oracles will see visions of their dead king led to his doom by their own hand and be like "Anybody gonna self-fulfil that?", and then not wait for an answer.
                                • The king is reminding me of Shadow Dio
                                  can't see his face even when there's light and he's moving like he can teleport
                                  • you know who's actually killing the king folks
                                    • That emperor, doesn't want subjects killed but is OK with that evil asshole who murders and tortures for fun? "Got arrogant", arrogance was the least of it.
                                      • So she's the sole reason the king and country get slaughtered, what a braindead fanatic whore, the king should've killed her poisonous ass
                                        • May chaos take the world🔥🗣️.
                                          • Is the sorceress not the same person seeing the city burn in the prophecy? And wtf is king Hassan doing lmao
                                            Calling it now, elstri follows the prophecy by doing this witch hunt on Diana and a coup happens since everyone was alive in the kings guard except him in his throne stabbed from behind
                                            • AnonymooseMaxtotheMinimum
                                              999+ points1 day ago
                                              In the image, we saw what is likely a death knight with the same armour as the female knight who just died, one of the sorceresses,what looked to be one of the black knights, and of course, Julian.
                                            • m
                                              Bro, these people just spelled the downfall of the king. Like, he does look sus but if he is as good as people say and that we’ve seen until now, he will end up being forced to fight against the MC by his own people trying to kill the kid, even though it could have ended peacefully.
                                              • Man, this is the first time in a while that a character in a story has infuriated me this much.
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                                                FMC, Yuri, Yaoi Hater

                                                Chapter 43 - Marriage Gray · 2 minutes ago

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                                                Invisible Storm

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                                                Chrisfromia Is he fighting a wratih, a lich, or a wight? That is the new cliffhanger

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                                                Lufkey Ummm...I think there seems to be a misunderstanding. I was in no way rooting for the ship at all. I was not making excuses for his behavior for what he's done to the fmc. All I'm was saying is that both have fucked lives and if fmc does forgive MC or not doesn't degrade the story. I understand and hope she finds a life that makes her happy cause the way her life turned out and if that means she leaves mc, then so be it.

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                                                anhedonia ikr his idiocy knows no bounds 😭 even without knowing tia is going to be chosen as successor, hes still trying to rig a lombardi competition against someone who is engaged to the lombardi family, so even just going off of what information is available to him its a really stupid move
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